Drone captures incredible footage of 70ft big wave surfer crashing and subsequent rescue

Within just a few short years, drone footage has already become something of a cliché. Sometimes, though, sequences come up that just make you go “wow!”, and this is one of them. At least, it made me go wow. It’s like a scene out of a horror movie, trying to escape the bad guy. He […]

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This surfer photographed under Norway’s northen lights is spectacular

Surfing has become wildly popular since it started to see a major revival in the 1960s. Along with the sport, came photographers. Things have come a long way since the days of photographers like LeRoy Grannis. But, we get to a point where styles and ideas become recycled. It happens with most genres of photography, […]

The post This surfer photographed under Norway’s northen lights is spectacular appeared first on DIY Photography.

Quick Photo Tip: Have doubts? Just pan!

I suspect a lot of photographers can relate to the scenario of arriving on location with your camera but without much certainty about what to do with it. This happens to me a lot. It’s not like we always have the luxury of having every frame mapped out before we even arrive. Sometimes, there is […]