12 must-see skywatching events for astrophotographers

Every year, dozens of astronomical events take place, making perfect photo ops for astrophotographers. To help keep track of the events going on this year, we have for you an infographic that highlights 12 of the events that have already happened, and will happen, throughout 2016. Created by Space.com, the infographic covers everything from last months’ […]

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Photographers Moonrise Is A Short Movie Inspiration To Anyone Who Wants To Shoot The Moon

New Zealand based astrophotographer Mark Gee (previously, and here) has quite a creative take on the Super Moon we had last week. I mean, we all shot the Super Moon (didn’t we) but Mark documented the shooting of the Super Moon with a few of his photographer friends, taking the whole thing to a new […]

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Here’s The First Known Photograph Of The ISS Transiting The Moon During A Lunar Eclipse

If you’re like me, your social media and news feeds were chock full of some great (and some not so great) shots of last night’s supermoon/total solar eclipse. Sadly for me, we had some pretty terrible weather and clouds that made my eclipse gazing plans non-existent–and I really had my heart set on trying to […]

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