How to fake the 2 stops magic bullet in Photoshop.

Hey guys! Today I’m going to be showing you a cool tip for how to manipulate a natural light image within photoshop to be able to drag some of that control back between the subject and background separation that get’s stripped away when shooting with a strobe. Obviously you can find a better lit location […]

The post How to fake the 2 stops magic bullet in Photoshop. appeared first on DIY Photography.

Lighting direction as a tool: Popping vs blending your subject within a scene

As someone who shoots on location a lot I’m often given a choice on what I like to call “popping” or “blending” a subject into a scene, in short this really as as simple as using your main light source to either complement the direction of a natural / embedded light source in a scene […]

The post Lighting direction as a tool: Popping vs blending your subject within a scene appeared first on DIY Photography.