Do you know your photographic repertoire?

Flicking through Michael Freeman’s newest book, Fifty Paths to Creative Photography, in Heffers in Cambridge last week, I was drawn to point 37: ‘Dig into your repertoire.’ According to Freeman, your repertoire is your personal bank of stylistic choices, your favourite way of shooting. He encourages his readers to explore and pinpoint their repertoires and […]

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How to Find Your Style in Photography

Dear friend, Many of us are trying to find our “style” in our photography 1. Photography style But what exactly is “style”? For me, “style” in photography is about consistency of subject-matter and consistency of aesthetic (how the photo looks). For example, if you want to build a definite “style” in your photography — seek […]

The post How to Find Your Style in Photography appeared first on DIY Photography.

What is Street Photography? A Rookie’s Guide to Developing (Photography) Street Cred

What is street photography? There are many ways to describe and explain street photography, but honestly, I hate definitions. I think they limit your vision. And vision is essential. To me, street photography is just documenting human life. Period. Candid or with permission? I don’t care. Color or black and

The post What is Street Photography? A Rookie’s Guide to Developing (Photography) Street Cred appeared first on Expert Photography.

Photographers – Want To Be An Artist? Have A Point Of View

I’ve been studying this for a long time and I’ve finally figured something out. The reason that so many photographers simply copy the style of the day (how many more wedding shots will I have to look at where the photographer is shooting into the sun so he can get the background to flare? How […]