Shooting portraits with flash vs natural light – 3 setups in 3 minutes

“Natural light photographers” is a strange term. To some it’s a badge of honour, stating that they either don’t need to use flash to get what they want, or that they simply don’t like “the look of flash”. To others, it’s generally derogatory, suggesting that somebody only uses natural light simply because they don’t know […]

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3 simple ways to backlight your model and make your portraits pop

When creating studio portraits, it’s good to make the subject stand out from the background. Most photographers know this, but many still make the mistake and don’t backlight their models properly (or at all). In this short video, photographer Manny Ortiz will show you three easy ways to backlight your model and make it separate […]

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Quick tip: Incorporating color gels in your portrait work

  If you haven’t used color gels so far, in this video you’ll see some quick tips how to introduce color gels into your portrait work. Photographer Manny Ortiz gives you a suggestion of the setting, and also a quick tip how to make the best out of color gels. Manny uses two speedlights, one […]

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Quick tip: Incorporating color gels in your portrait work

  If you haven’t used color gels so far, in this video you’ll see some quick tips how to introduce color gels into your portrait work. Photographer Manny Ortiz gives you a suggestion of the setting, and also a quick tip how to make the best out of color gels. Manny uses two speedlights, one […]

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Get Started With Studio Lighting for Less than $100

If you’re relatively new to photography, studio lighting can seem like a whole other world. If you’re like me when I started with studio lighting, you probably have a pretty decent camera and have seen a noticeable improvement in the quality of your photography as you have learned to work with natural light. But sooner […]

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