Joe McNally offers an insightful behind the scenes look at a garage photo shoot

Joe McNally is one of the photographers I first started stalking following when I decided to start shooting portraits, and his books, The Hot Shoe Diaries & The Moment it Clicks, are two that will ever remain on my shelf. Year after year, for several decades now, Joe has continued to inspire and educate photographers all over […]

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Profoto unveils collapsable beauty dish that won’t hog up space in your camera bag

36 years ago, Profoto released a lighting accessory they called the Softlight Reflector. Today, we call this creation a beauty dish, thanks to its unique design that softens light in the perfect manner for portraits. Today, Profoto has announced a new and improved version, the OCF Beauty Dish. And this time, it’s collapsable, making it […]

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Modifying Speedlights & Magmod Mini Review

Making great light is essential to making great portraits. And I mean that: you’ve got to make great light. You can find a good source of available light, but I’ve rarely seen any available light that couldn’t be made better, either with reflectors and flags or by adding light somewhere with a flash. When you […]