Photographing on the streets and the law in the UK

Photographer rights are always a bit of a hot topic, and often brings out extreme points of view from all sides. There’s the law, there’s common sense & decency, and then there’s just outright stupidity. The world over, the rights of photographers do seem to be becoming more common knowledge amongst non-photographers, but Tim Berry […]

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Why photography matters and how it helped me overcome depression

I kept this post as a draft for months unsure if I should publish it since it discusses things and events that aren’t very easy to share. Just like everything else I write, I hope it can inspire / help at least one person from my personal life experience. People often ask me why I […]

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The best camera for street photography

What is the best camera for street photography? What do you recommend? That is the question I get asked most. In the last years I have been changing cameras a lot always in the search for the better on. In retrospect I can say gear swapping did not rea…

Why Envy Any Other Photographer?

One of the most toxic feelings that a photographer (or human being) is to feel envy. Apparently envy is a trait that is deeply embedded in us, even as babies. But why is it that we feel envy, what are we envious about, and what can we do about it? Evol…

23 tips to turn you into a street photography ninja!

The good folks at COOPH are back again, and this time they’ve got together with street photographer Thomas Leuthard to offer some creative and practical tips to help improve your street photography. This 4 minute video packs a lot of information into a short space of time and I’m sure many will be able to pick up at […]

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What is the best camera for street photography?

For years we’ve been told that “the best camera is the one that’s with you”, and to a point it’s true.  But that doesn’t mean that you can’t ensure you always have the most suitable camera with you before you head out the door. In this video, street photographer Sean Patrick Allen of Rambles with my Camera discusses […]

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The importance of social skills in street photography

I teach a lot of street photography workshops for a living. I’m always wondering, “How can I best empower my students, help them build their confidence, and ultimately make better images?” Honestly, the most important way for a photographer to make better images is to build their social skills. Why? Social skills permeate all aspects […]

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