Vivian Maier Estate sues Jeffrey Goldstein for Copyright and Trademark infringement

A while ago, Vivian Maier Estate entered a complicated legal battle against the owners of the photographer’s work. This time, they are filing a claim against Jeffrey Goldstein, one of the collectors who owns a part of Maier’s collection. The estate is alleging copyright infringement: unauthorized copying, exhibition and print sales of the photographer’s work. […]

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These are three essential components for telling story in a single photo

You know what they say: a picture is worth a thousand words. But telling a story with a single image is not an easy task. As you know, there are many essential components of a good photo, both regarding technical quality and the story it tells. Photographers Chase Jarvis and Joe McNally teamed up to […]

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The best autofocus most photographers never use

Photography is so complex that there are a million approaches behind it. However, there is one thing that almost every photographer can agree on: you have to focus right! Otherwise it ends up blurry and the photo doesn’t clearly portray what you wanted to present. Blur isn’t necessarily bad though. If you want to convey […]

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10 Reasons Why Your Smartphone is the Best Camera

I want to encourage you — use your smartphone more for your photography. First of all, what is the point of photography? The purpose of photography is to uplift your soul. To make meaning in your life; not photos. Therefore, I believe that shooting with your smartphone is probably your best tool for photography. Why? […]

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Use it or lose it – Have you got the brain for street photography?

It might sound like a provocation but it is not. You should notice the little difference. I am not asking if you have got the brains for street photography. I am asking if you have got the brain for it. The single “s” in brain(s) is the difference. A huge difference. Asking if you have got the brains for it is asking if you […]

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These are 28 common mistakes in Street Photography you should avoid

1.Always using the Manual Mode One common misconception and Street Photography mistake is the believe that professional photographers always use the manual mode and therefore it is also useful for Street Photography, right? Firstly, professional photographers don’t use the manual mode every time. They use it when it benefits them, but they also choose an […]

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