These are three essential components for telling story in a single photo

You know what they say: a picture is worth a thousand words. But telling a story with a single image is not an easy task. As you know, there are many essential components of a good photo, both regarding technical quality and the story it tells. Photographers Chase Jarvis and Joe McNally teamed up to […]

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Learn how to tell a story in your work with this free “Pixar in a Box” series of shorts

Telling a story with our work can often be one of the most challenging things we face as creatives. But it’s also one of the most important. Whether it’s a drawing, a photograph or a film, having your work tell a story gives it meaning. It speaks to the viewer in a way that they […]

The post Learn how to tell a story in your work with this free “Pixar in a Box” series of shorts appeared first on DIY Photography.

On “Trame” – A photograph can be more than the sum of its included parts

I feel that there’s a word missing from our vocabulary, and this essay is the culmination of an effort to find such a word, to define it usefully, and to work through some of what it might mean. Consider these two pictures: The first one I shot specifically to test a camera-clubby sort of online […]

The post On “Trame” – A photograph can be more than the sum of its included parts appeared first on DIY Photography.

Aesthetic Judgments: Composition, Color & Story

In the first part of my thoughts on aesthetic judgments I introduced the first two considerations on my list of five that inform my work. This post discusses the rest of them starting with… Composition Composition is the pleasing expression of the elements in a space. I prefer to lock the camera on a tripod […]