Here are four ways to find your stolen photos online

If you are a good photographer and you upload your photos online, it’s inevitable that someone will steal them at some point. Although it’s in a way flattering that someone likes your photos, it’s by no means the way to express their liking. If you want to check whether someone has stolen your photos and […]

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Photographer flew from UK to South Africa to confront a woman who stole his photos

The topic of stealing and publishing other people’s photos is a very sensitive one among photographers. Has it ever happened to you? We all respond differently to such situations, but one photographer took it pretty far. Paul Eustice flew all the way from UK to South Africa to confront the woman who stole his photos […]

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A photographer tries to buy a print of his own image from the person who stole it

It’s a fact of life these days for photographers that our work may be stolen if we post it online.  No matter what level of photography we’re at, if you post enough images to the web, it’s simply become an inevitable consequence of sharing out work with the masses. Sometimes it’s an honest mistake, somebody loves […]

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Photographer loses 20 photo shoots in an unfortunate car burglary

Backup, backup, backup – these are three of the best pieces of advice any photographer will ever receive. Unfortunately for Iowa photographer Haleigh Wehr, her backup process was either lacking on non-existent, and the result is a devastating loss after her car was broken into on Wednesday night. Items valued at thousands of dollars were […]

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