Here are four ways to find your stolen photos online

If you are a good photographer and you upload your photos online, it’s inevitable that someone will steal them at some point. Although it’s in a way flattering that someone likes your photos, it’s by no means the way to express their liking. If you want to check whether someone has stolen your photos and […]

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The truck carrying all of Sony’s gear for NAB gets stolen on the way to Vegas

There’s a report coming out of Canon Rumors at the moment that one of Sony’s trucks has been stolen. This truck apparently contains all of the equipment that was destined to appear at the NAB show in Las Vegas taking place next week. CR also report that Sony’s truck contained some equipment from other manufacturers which […]

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Lens manufacturer Veydra HQ broken into, over 200 lenses stolen

Filmmakers, Veydra fans and everyone who is interested in lenses, pay attention! Last night, someone broke into Veydra headquarters in California and stole over 200 Veydra Mini Prime Lenses. The company is offering a reward for any information that could lead to returning the stolen lenses back to their inventory. Veydra has issued the announcement […]

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This 60 cent ring can prevent your lens from getting stolen

Modern cameras allow photographers to remove and change the lens fast, using only one hand. Unfortunately, it also makes it easier for thieves to steal the lenses directly off the camera. This is why photographer Rutger Geerling created Mark’s Lens Safe. It’s an accessory that protects the release button of your camera, making it impossible […]

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Razer announce world’s first triple 4K display laptop at CES then two prototypes get stolen

CES 2017 may over, but the gear and technology announced over the weekend is still in the news. For Razer, though, CES 2017 appears to have been something of a bittersweet event. Let’s start with the good news. Razer introduced the world to Project Valerie, the world’s first triple 4K display laptop. And oh boy […]

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My camera equipment was stolen from my car and the insurance didn’t cover it

Dear photography community. I am writing this post to warn you. Warn you about two things! We live in a modern age with crazy technology – our cameras are proof of that. And so is the technology the common thief uses. On a travel to Lithuania I parked the rented car (with full insurance coverage) and went […]

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The Rio camera thief got caught by the same photographer he stole from

Ok, I can only describe this as sweet irony. The thief who stole $40,000 worth of photography gear from News Corp photographer at Rio olympics was caught by the same photographer he stole from – Brett Costello. It was not enough for the thief to steal Costello’s $40,000 gear set, and he wanted more. I am not sure […]

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The Rio camera thief got caught by the same photographer he stole from

Ok, I can only describe this as sweet irony. The thief who stole $40,000 worth of photography gear from News Corp photographer at Rio olympics was caught by the same photographer he stole from – Brett Costello. It was not enough for the thief to steal Costello’s $40,000 gear set, and he wanted more. I am not sure […]

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Olympics photographer has $40,000 worth of gear stolen in 10 seconds from a cafe in Rio

As this year’s host of the Olympic Games, it’s not a surprise that Rio currently contains so many photographers. With a lot of photographers come a lot of expensive kit. This has not escaped the notice of local criminals. News Corp photographer Brett Costello just discovered this, when $40,000 worth of equipment went missing from right beside him. […]

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Photographer loses 20 photo shoots in an unfortunate car burglary

Backup, backup, backup – these are three of the best pieces of advice any photographer will ever receive. Unfortunately for Iowa photographer Haleigh Wehr, her backup process was either lacking on non-existent, and the result is a devastating loss after her car was broken into on Wednesday night. Items valued at thousands of dollars were […]

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