
How They Made Matte Drawing On Plexiglass Before The Days Of CGI

Today’s digital effects are pretty amazing (or not) depending on your view. But both the good CGI and the bad CGI have one thing in common, they are computer generated. Not so long ago, the concept of computerized massive scenes was not even conceived yet and effects studios used different methods to “create” sets bigger than […]

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Meet Arturo, an adorable R2D2 drone ready to take to the skies

This holiday season, drones and Star Wars are some of the most talked about items to be had. Thus, it’s only natural that we see the two come together for a little holiday celebration. Meet Arturo, the self-proclaimed ’world’s first actual flying R2D2 drone.’ Created by aerial cinematographer Don Melara in partnership with aerial photography […]

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‘A Vader A Day’ Depicts Devin Kelly’s Life As Darth Vader

Devin Kelly recently decided to reveal his secret identity to his family and friends and told them that he’s one of the greatest villains ever to have lived – Darth Vader. Ok, so he might have made that part up, but for the past year or so he’s been schlepping around a Darth Vader mask, […]

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‘A Vader A Day’ Depicts Devin Kelly’s Life As Darth Vader

Devin Kelly recently decided to reveal his secret identity to his family and friends and told them that he’s one of the greatest villains ever to have lived – Darth Vader. Ok, so he might have made that part up, but for the past year or so he’s been schlepping around a Darth Vader mask, […]

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These are the camera bags Darth Vader and Chewbacca would wear if they were photographers

You can’t go more than one or two clicks online without seeing something related to Star Wars. And today, we’re contributing even more to that trend with an introduction to two of the most stylized camera bags we’ve ever seen. ThinkGeek has teamed up with Star Wars to create and sell officially licensed camera bags […]

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Naked Models and Milk Become Star Wars Heroes (NSFW)

It seems like everything these days is either Star Wars or inspired by Star Wars. However, unlike many photos I’m seeing lately, this set is kickass in its own right. The concept itself isn’t new, but Barcelona-based photographer Manu Cabañero hit the nail on the head with his milk-splashed characters of Princess Leia, Like Skywalker […]

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Galactic Warfighters: Much More Than Toys

A little over year ago, I stumbled across an amazing image on Facebook that someone was trying to pass off as a production still from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”. Knowing how closely J.J. Abrams protects his mystery box, I was dubious and started digging. That search lead me to Matthew Callahan and the toy […]

How to create an authentic Star Wars lightsaber using old camera components

Here’s a bit of photography-related Star Wars trivia you may have never known. The lightsaber used in the original Star Wars was a modified 3-Cell Graflex Flashgun handle. DIY YouTube effects guru Shanks FX took this piece of trivia and used it to create an informative tutorial video showing how you can make your very own […]

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