How photographer made windmills look like dandelions

It’s the first day of spring, so flowers and photos of them are all around. But are you up for some different flowers? How about dandelions made of windmills? Photographer Jamie Seidel took and edited a fantastic photo where he made windmills look like white dandelions. It took 700 photos, so he also created a timelapse […]

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This photographer uses photo stacking techniques and a microscope to show the iridescent beauty of peacock feathers

Iridescence is defined as the phenomenon of certain surfaces that appear to change colour as the angle of view or the angle of illumination changes, and that is highlighted especially well in these extreme close up images of these peacock feathers created by Canadian photographer Waldo Nell. Image stacking shots focused at different distances from a […]

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Use this time stacking technique to create surreal landscapes

Stacking photographs made from a locked off tripod over a given duration is not a new technique, and has been commonly used for creating star trail images where single super long exposures can be troublesome, but this application of the process is particularly interesting and beautiful. An extension of timelapse photography, the Time Stack technique’s goal is to […]

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