The Serpent – As A Symbol(Mythology and Mysticism)

The Serpent is perhaps the most enigmatic Symbol in mythology,
religion and mysticism.

It is worshiped, honored and respected by civilizations and
indigenous cultures, both ancient and modern, throughout the
entire world. And even those of us who detest gazing upon a
Serpent become spell-bound by its hypnotic movements.

Its slithering, wavy movements are identical to the shapes of
Rivers. Therefore, its wavy pattern was used by the Ancient
Egyptians for their hieroglyph for Water. Its wavy pattern, when
used in a dualistic pair, is also the Symbol for the Constellation
of Aquarius, the “Water Bearer”.

And as the Serpent was the original ancient archetype assigned
to the Constellation Draco, it is also associated with the “branches”
of the World Tree along with the Great Cosmic Sea of the heavens
as well. In this heavenly aspect it is referred to as the “Cosmic

As the movement of the Serpent is Symbolic of the shape of Rivers,
and the movement of Water through Rivers is Symbolic of the “flow
of Time“, the Serpent is also a Symbol for the various Cycles and
Incarnations which permeate the cosmic and earthly realms. We
find this Cyclical Symbolism represented by the ancient Symbol of
the Ouroboros; the Serpent devouring its own tail which reminds us
that as one Cycle comes to its end, or is “swallowed up”, the next
Cycle is preparing itself to begin.

The Serpent also sheds its own skin in its annual renewal. This
shedding is a Symbol for transformation, re-Incarnation, Change
and renewal; whereby an old and expired era, Cycle or Incarnation
is shed for a new and rejuvenated one; one stage of life is shed for
another; and one type of existence (physical and material) is shed
for its next higher aspect of existence (spiritual and sublime).

In this respect the shedding of the Serpent’s skin is also Symbolic
of an individual’s various Rites of Passage in which he or she
engages during their Current Incarnation. And, in a more sublime
aspect, the shedding of the Serpent’s skin is also Symbolic of the
Path of the Initiate who sheds his, or her, prior state of being in
their Ladder-like progression through higher and higher realms of
Awareness until Ascension into the realm of Spiritual Illumination
is finally attained.

The twisting shapes of the two Serpents around a central staff,
depicted in the physician’s Caduceus, is Symbolic of both the
DNA matrix and the Kundalini energy which entwines itself around
our spinal column.

However, on a much higher Symbolic plane, the dancing and
entwining Serpents Symbolized by the Caduceus represent the
Spiritual DNA which is the the Breath of Life that permeates all
realms of the physical, mental and spiritual cosmos.

It is interesting to note that the Serpents which are Symbolized
and held in high esteem by both the Ancient Egyptians, the native
cultures of the Americas and all other native and indigenous races
are always poisonous. This is Symbolic of both the Initiatory and
physical “deaths” which must be necessarily experienced at the
various stages of an individual’s Incarnation so that “birth” into 
higher realms and orders can be attained.

This is further Symbolized by the fact that the same poisonous
Serpent’s venom which can end a person’s life is the same venom
which is used to create a serum which can also save a person’s
life; thereby signifying the Initiatory and Spiritual re-birth and
salvation (serum) which a worthy and well-qualified Initiate receives
once their transformative “death” (venom) has been accepted and

The “reared-up” and “ready to strike” pose of both the cobra and
the rattlesnake is also Symbolic of its deadly protective, watchful
and defensive posture which warns all unworthy trespassers who
approach that “thou shalt not pass nor intrude”.

We see this protective pose of the cobra displayed in the uraeus
worn by Egyptian pharaohs. The uraeus is a royal protective band
which encircles the pharaoh’s head at the level of the pineal gland,
or “third-eye”. The rearing cobra extends forth from the uraeus as
if emerging from the “third eye” chakra. The cobra’s hood is flaring
out in a ready-to-attack protective posture signifying its readiness
to protect the pharaoh.

The band of the uraeus is the protective coil of the cobra which
warns the curious, the non-Initiated and the un-worthy to keep
their distance.

However, there is a higher Symbolism attached to the uraeus.

The pharaoh was a Temple Initiate who was Instructed in the
highest Esoteric mysteries of the physical and mystical arts and
sciences. In addition, the pharaoh was entrusted with defending his,
or her, nation and people from all dangers and enemies which may
attack Egypt from either within or without. In this respect the
pharaoh was considered to be, and was worshiped as, the
physical manifestation of Horus. Horus is the Divine Neter who
was identified with defensiveness, protectiveness, higher Wisdom
and direct ascension.

Therefore the uraeus, which is Symbolic of the encircling coils of
the cobra, represented the protective Circle which defended the
pharaoh’s higher mind, higher faculties and higher level of

The hooded cobra leaning forth from the uraeus not only
Symbolized the kundalini energy emerging from the “third eye”
chakra of the pharaoh but was also a warning to all who were
not worthy or well qualified to keep their distance from the
higher mind and higher Wisdom which were encircled and
protected within the coils of the uraeus.

Now here is another interesting Symbolism connected with the
Serpent: The Serpent Nailed to the Cross.

Many of us have seen drawings and artwork of either a Serpent
nailed to a cross or a Serpent hung upon a cross and perhaps
have wondered to ourselves what this Symbolism could possibly

The Serpent nailed to a cross is Symbolically similar to The Christ
nailed to the cross.

The cross, having four extensions, is the Symbol for matter and the
materialistic world; four being the number representing matter.

As the Serpent sheds its old skin to take on a renewed skin, it is
therefore the Symbol of re-Incarnation; the shedding of an old,
used-up life for a new existence.

Being nailed to a cross is Symbolic of the Serpent shedding its
final skin (body) and leaving it behind in the world of matter (the
cross). At this point, the physical re-Incarnations of the Serpent
have come to an end.

Likewise, The Christ being nailed to the cross (the realm of matter)
represents the final leaving behind of His physical body in the
realm of matter, never requiring to re-Incarnate in the earthly plain
ever again.

This Symbolizes the final separation of His soul from His physical
body as He has attained complete Enlightenment, Illumination and
Awareness and has now Ascended into the higher, or even highest,
Spiritual Realms having never again to experience the ongoing and
repetitive Lessons of the mundane, physical realm.

And as a final Thought: The Serpent is a unitary creature. It has no
limbs. When laid out straight it representative of the number “one”.
One is the number which represents Divine Unity; The All.

However, when the Serpent sticks out its tongue, its tongue is
forked. The forked-tongue represents the number “two”. Two is the
number for duality; which can also be Symbolized by the cloven-

Therefore the Serpent reminds us that from Divine Unity (The All)
emerges the realm of duality. And just as the Serpent creates
duality when it sticks out its tongue, it also returns duality back
into itself when it retracts its tongue.

This is a teaching which is found in many ancient texts: The Divine
One creates the temporary, illusory world of duality and when Time
is up, Divine Unity retracts the temporal realms of duality back into

See also:Draco: Constellation Of The Cosmic Serpent

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the “Comment” link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2012

Amnion, Amniotic Fluid, and Amnesia(Past Life Recall)

“Through memory we travel against time,
through forgetfulness we follow its course.”

– Joseph Joubert

The amnion is the membrane which surrounds and protects the
unborn fetus while in the womb.

Amniotic fluid is the fluid which protects and nurtures the fetus,
and allows it movement, while it is within the amnion.

Amnesia is a loss of recall whereby a person is unable to
remember a part of, or the entirety of, their life.

Now what do the words amnion, amniotic fluid and amnesia
have in common with each other?

To start with, each of these words have the same root beginning:

Prior to entering our Current Incarnation our Spirit resided in the
realm of Unity; an Unknowable and sublime realm of Beauty and
oneness within The All.

Ancient teachings speak of the process of Incarnation and
re-Incarnation which our Spirits participate in, and experience.

Furthermore, these teachings also inform us that our Incarnations
contain past lives, future lives and our current life. Also, we are
Instructed that we may be experiencing many simultaneous
Current Incarnations in various different realms and parallel

And, because Time has an entirely different nature in the Spiritual
realm, it is also possible that all of our Incarnations ( past, present
and future ) may be all happening at the same Time.

And, if all of this is not mind-boggling enough, ancient teachings
further inform us that we may have Chosen the specific aspects of
the Incarnation we are currently experiencing.

This means that, prior to descent into matter, our Spirit actually
Chose the physical Time, the planetary location, the historical
Events, and even the parents we Decided to be born to in this
Current Incarnation of ours.

Ancient teachings further inform us that, except for Avatars,
Incarnations and re-Incarnations are participated in by Spirits not
only for the purpose of experiencing the physical world of duality
but also for working off, and Learning to rid ourselves of, all of the
accumulated Karma from our Past, and even possibly future,

Once our physical experiences are ended and all Karma has been
worked away our Spirit is no longer subject to re-Incarnations in
this realm. At that point we either come to dwell in a much higher
realm or we ascend to the ultimate realm of The All.

Matter cannot exist without Spirit (See:Spirit and Matter“). At the
moment of conception Spirit and sperm Become one in the egg of
the womb. The sperm grows into the fetus which lives within the
amniotic fluid, which is within the amnion, which is within the womb
of the mother.

The fetus spends approximately nine-months within the amnion.
After this Time the fetus breaks free of the amnion, leaves the
womb, and enters the world of duality as a newborn child.

But, what is happening to the fetus while it is dwelling within the
amniotic fluid, which is within the amnion, which is within the womb?
This is a very interesting question, and mystery, to ponder!

Let us explore a theory…a scenario.

Let us suppose that we have Chosen the Time, location, historical
period and parents of our Current Incarnation; all of which are
designed  to work off past Karma, refine our spirit, and rid ourselves
of Sin.

Then, as with any other journey we venture into, this would mean
that we have come into our Current Incarnation with all the
necessary tools and skills required to experience this Incarnation
and work out all of our past Karma and Sin. These tools and skills
would be already contained within the Divine Nature of our unique
personality; our Ba; our Atman.

Therefore, taking this one step further, if we come into our Current
Incarnation with all the skills and tools that we need this also
means that the experiences of our past Incarnations are already
a part of the Spiritual DNA which accompanies us into our
Current Incarnation.

This Spiritual DNA, which contains the building blocks and
substance of our personality, can be further referred to as the
attitude and Destiny (our objective, or “to-do” list if you will) which
accompanies us into our Current Incarnation.

Now we come to a big question:

If we come into our Current Incarnation with all the tools and skills
we require, what is the purpose of the Amnesia which erases from
our consciousness not only the Memory of the sublime realm of
Spirit, but also the Memory of all of our past lives?

And the answer is that Amnesia, the loss of recall of both the
Spirit realm and past lives, is necessary if we are to fulfill the
mission and Destiny of our Current Incarnation.

In regards to Memory of the Spirit realm:

Amnesia protects us from remembering the sublime Beauty of the
Spiritual Paradise which our Spirit has temporarily left in order to
enter into and experience our Current Incarnation.

For, if we were to Remember the sublime Beauty of the Spiritual
realm while in our Current Incarnation, we may be severely tempted
to end our Current Incarnation before the mission and purpose of
our Incarnation is complete.

We hear of many individuals, especially children, who want to
commit suicide after having a near death experience whereby the
Veil between their physical and Spiritual realms has been lifted
and they once again see the Beautiful realm they left when they
entered their current physical existence.

Amnesia, in this instance, is necessary if we are to complete the
task for which we entered this Current Incarnation of ours.

In regards to Memory of Past Lives:

Think of how cluttered up our minds would be if we could recall
every mistake, every foolish act, and every painful Memory we
both performed and experienced in all of our Past Lives

Then think of the powerful emotions, and melancholy, that can
possess us when we visit, or perhaps just simply think about,
the people and places of our distant Past; people and places
we may not have visited, or thought about, for decades.

Now compound this melancholy with the highly emotional
Thoughts of people and places from an infinitude of Past Lives;
people and places both tender and haunting; people and
places which are now forever closed to us, yet still Remembered
through Past Life Recall.

These Remembrances would be more of a hindrance than an
asset to us in our current journey. We would be so overwhelmed,
haunted, confused, obsessed, tormented, and burdened by these
Past-Life Memories that we would never be able to accomplish the
objectives we set forth for ourselves when we Chose to enter
our Current Incarnation.

Therefore, is it possible that the Amniotic Fluid we exist in while
in the womb is not only a fluid that protects and nurtures us but
is also a fluid of un-remembrance; a fluid that gives us Amnesia
from remembering not only our past lives but the Beauty and
magnificence of the Spirit Realm as well?

With all these Thoughts taken into consideration, the final
questions are these:

Considering the Divine Process of Amnesia which our fetus
experiences while in the Amnion, is it in our best interest to
attempt Past Life Recalls where all of our questions lie?

Or, is it much healthier, grander and beneficial for us to Learn
how to tap into and access the Great Subconscious (something
also referred to as the Akashic Records) where all the answers
of Eternity lie?

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the “Comment” link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2012