Write Speeds – Memory Cards Are Not Created Equal

Most consumers don’t know that there are differences between memory cards besides the obvious capacities and different formats that are available. There are several identifiers to know to help you choose the right memory card for the type of shooting that you do and that can be crucial since not all cards are created equally. Before […]

X-Rated – The Solution to Understanding X-Speed Memory Card Speeds.

Dang it, why isn’t there a universal tech language out there?! I mean seriously, as photographers and videographers, we already have to deal with all sorts of random vocabulary to understand our craft, why must there be even more to decipher? Now that my rant is slightly over, let me share the super secret code that […]

GPU Acceleration – Upgrade for a Performance Boost!

Graphics processors are something that most people, including myself, overlook! They’re commonly called video cards, as these little chips are responsible for putting all that color onto your monitor. It should be known that just like the CPU, not all are created equal and this technology is always improving. The GPU is in charge of […]