Acquiring Images for Photoshop with a Digital Camera [UP8]

Understanding Photoshop is a biweekly column that takes an in-depth look at how digital photographs are built and manipulated.  It is a college-level course in plain English for free at Photofocus.  To learn more see this article. Don’t Skip Column 7 Some of the core tasks of processing digital images with Photoshop involve  sizing, manipulation, and processing. […]

Whales in the Mist: How to Get Great Photos in Foggy Scenes

Your boat bobs gently on the waves. It’s quiet, but tense, as the anticipation mounts. A massive grey whale is about to break the surface of the water only a couple hundred feet in front of you. Your camera is in your hands, ready to shoot. You’re totally prepared to get that once-in-a-lifetime shot. Except […]

New Retouching Tutorial + A Sweet Contest!

Hey friends! I have exciting news for you today! We’ve just launched a brand spankin’ new tutorial designed to help you get serious retouching skills, fast! It’s called Really Easy Retouching and I’m so excited to get to share it with you! Retouching can add a level of polish to your photos that you simply […]