The Blue Room is an epic Speedride through a natural ice tunnel

Speed riding is a terrifying combination of freestyle skiing and paragliding. Described by those who participate as “staggeringly difficult and dangerous as hell“, it’s very impressive to watch. When Swiss speedriding pioneer and Olympic snowboarding medalist, Ueli Kestenholz discovered a massive natural ice tunnel, he knew he had to go through it. So, he contacted photographer Marc […]

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No Snow? No Problem! This tip will let you create a snowy paradise anywhere!

I had a few minutes today to run through this cool idea to turn previous season shots into a snowy place of glory! It came to me after a friend asked to buy some background plates from me for a snowy shoot that I did recently. To save money I now have a suggestion that […]

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I photograph the magical winter with my children to immortalise the holiday season

On those short winter days when the roads are covered in snow, I take photos of my kids and their cousins to preserve the magic of this wonderful season. Both indoors and outdoors, during short days and long winter evenings, I capture the feeling of anticipation and nostalgia. With those photos I try to recall […]

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I photograph the magical winter with my children to immortalise the holiday season

On those short winter days when the roads are covered in snow, I take photos of my kids and their cousins to preserve the magic of this wonderful season. Both indoors and outdoors, during short days and long winter evenings, I capture the feeling of anticipation and nostalgia. With those photos I try to recall […]

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Protect your gear from rain and snow for less than $1

These days, most cameras and lens build quality is pretty high. Even if not completely weather sealed they can still take quite a lot of abuse from nature. Sometimes, though, you do want to take the extra step to protect your kit. Landscape Photographer Benjamin Jaworskyj has a great tip to help cover your gear at virtually no cost. I […]

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Photo of the Day: A Light Dusting

Category: Architecture/Landscape Photography by Ric Rus Originally shared on the Photofocus Flickr page. Some light snow, some barren trees and a derelict farm house work together flawlessly to convey a sense of cold neglect in Ric Rus’ chilling image. Ric used a loose composition and subdued colors to imbibe his image with a frigid and lonely aesthetic. To […]

Snow is Nature’s Giant Softbox for Awesome Fill Light

Over the past few years, we have seen limited amounts snow here in Knoxville. As a result, I have spent very little time taking photos on snowy days. I had forgotten just what great lighting you get when there is a nice, white bed of snow on the ground. Yesterday, we had around three inches […]