Make simple and cheap DIY smoke for photos and videos

There are several ways of creating smoke for your photos and videos. Caleb Pike from DSLR Video Shooter will show you how to make an awesome smoke effect for your photos and videos. It’s not always easy to control the smoke, no matter the way you make it. But Caleb’s method makes the smoke easy to distribute […]

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How to add extra details in a photo after the shot using Photoshop

When creating images its always good to add some extra details just to keep things interesting. I recently shot a cover feature for alternative lifestyle magazine, Proper eye candy, with Madison Phoenix. The plan was to shoot some moody images using gels. I also wanted smoke, but alas, at the time I didn’t have a […]

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Aerial Perspective – The depth your images have been consciously missing.

Something I’m going to be touching on today is referred to in the painting world as “Aerial Perspective”, a way, if not “the” way to create depth in your images. When you see pictures of mountains, or landscapes you’ll often notice that they are coated with fog, clouds, smoke, steam, etc in order to make […]

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How I Created An Abandoned Warehouse From Scratch To Shoot A Sci-Fi Latex Astronaut [NSFW]

Short answer: Some Latex, A hat, cardboard and smoke. Hit the jump for the long answer. Be aware that it is mildly NSFW. Inspiration This shoot was a combination of several unrelated factors coming together. Interestingly they fit very well as a complete concept. Factor #1: I’m a big fan of using creative scenery in […]

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When An Alienbees Studio Flash Thinks It’s A Smoke Machine

Alienbees are known to be solid and reasonably priced studio flashes, offering great value for your money. Perhaps in attempt to give photographer Rebecca Britt more than she paid for, her one month-old Alienbees B400 decided it will double as a smoke machine. As Resource Magazine points out, these flashes are awesome but their build […]

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Using Smoke Bombs In Portraits For A Strong Effect

Here is a technique I did not think I will ever be covering on the blog, using smoke bombs. In fact I did not even know that there is such a thing as smoke bombs until I stumbled on the photography of Jovana Rikalo. Serbian photographer Jovana Rikalo uses smoke bombs to create some unexpected effects in his […]

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