Want better portraits? Rotate your canvas while retouching.

Once, the idea of rotating my canvas when retouching was jarring to me. I knew it was something my peers were doing but I just couldn’t be bothered to try it myself. After a few one on one lessons where I was “forced” to do it by David Neilands, I actually found a surprising improvement […]

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Five different and easy ways to clean up skin blemishes with Photoshop

No matter who we are, our skin isn’t perfect. It’s just a fact of life. The odd zit here and there, a little scratch, perhaps a single stray hair. There’s always something. So, for portraits, temporary blemishes usually need a quick touch up. Fortunately, such issues are easy to fix in Photoshop. Or, more accurately, […]

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How to properly use the healing brush tool and why it needs a hard edge

The healing brush tool in photoshop is one of more powerful tools the editing software has to offer. It is often used to clean skin, repair walls, or do any kind of work that requires repairing a texture without changing  the color and luminosity of an area. Stefan of RAW.Exchange was kind enogh to send us three […]

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Dodge & Burn – With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

If you split an image into its most basic components, you can look at each pixel as the sum of the following info: Brightness Color Tone Saturation If we look at a black and white photo for example, one only element present in the photo is brightness. So any three-dimensionality is determined exclusively by the (relative) […]

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