Handling Difficult Family Members on Wedding Day

Let’s be real. Weddings can be beyond challenging. There are enough things to worry about as a photographer (timelines always running behind, crummy lighting conditions, weather issues, creativity blocks) without having to worry about family members throwing yet another wrench into you plan A, B, C, D, or even plan E. Yet, throw wrenches they […]

The Final 2% – Intruder Cleanup Of Your Photographs

I have been talking about going to work to find that last two percent of every photograph that can be improved. In today’s simple illustration I’ll show you two images. The first is un-retouched. It features a cormorant and if you look closely at the bottom right of the image, you’ll see another bird extended […]

Being Prepared Makes all the Difference

I love the Boy Scout motto of Be Prepared. As a photographer that often means carrying extra batteries, a spare camera, and an extra memory card. But also knowing the location, and what conditions you’ll be working under. Practice Ahead of Time We just recently moved into a house with a pool, and I have […]

4K. What’s all the Hubub, Bub?

A while back, I was chatting with Scott Bourne about the emerging 4K acquisition standard and the video camera “arms race” originally started by Red Digital Cinema. At the time, he said “Rich Harrington is always talking about 4K as well. I get it. It’s a bigger frame, but I am not sure how that […]

Using your Children as Models

I often use my children as subjects before I have a big shoot scheduled. I will bring my children to the location, and have them help scout, pick angles and model for me. This provides valuable feedback on how the light and environment responds to my gear and settings and gives me the opportunity to […]

Getting Started with HDR Shooting

I head out to Great Fall National Parks to walk you through HDR shooting. Have you tried to photograph the beauty of a scene but just can’t capture its intensity or range? In this episode, I’m joined by special guest, Abba Shapiro explore the world of HDR photography. You will learn the benefits for using High Dynamic […]

Cucoloris for Shadowed Texture

So often someone will take the time to light the talent to look great but forget to light the background and give the image some depth: One method is to use a Cucoloris. Some will refer to it a s a cookie cutter:The Cucoloris will create a shadowed texture onto your background depending on the […]

Thoughts About Using A 2X Teleconverter In Photography

I have a love/hate relationship with teleconverters (also called telephoto extenders or telex tenders – TC.) When I was a young man and dead broke, I used them to try to get more focal length and hated the results. Then again, when I was young, the quality of the average teleconverter was horrible and my […]

Book Review: Rick Sammon’s Creative Visualization for Photographers

Rick Sammon has a super power: he makes any photographic technique or concept simple to understand. It’s really an incredible talent he has cultivated, and he turns it loose to help photographers. He’s been teaching a long time, and his latest book is a culmination of a lifetime of learning, shooting, and teaching. Rick Sammon’s […]

Lightroom Hangout: Lies Cameras Tell

You gotta join us live for our next Google+ Hangout, totally free of charge. Not only will you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). We’ll be giving away a copy of Perfectly Clear from Athentech. […]