One Month On The Road: What I’ve Learned About Photography

Well, here we are. It’s been just over a month now that we’ve been on the road. We’ve done WAY less work than we hoped, but we’ve seen so much more than we expected. I imagine down the road we won’t feel so worried about getting so little work done, but right now it’s hard […]

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Staying on a Ranch

We’re currently staying on a horse ranch near Portland, nearly a month into our giant road trip. We didn’t know what to expect when we booked the place, but it’s absolutely incredible. The boys have really enjoyed exploring the place, and we’ve really enjoyed photographing them! Today I wanted to share a few of the shots […]

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“Shoot Portraits, Not People” – a provocative project that brings guns and cameras together

In this hectic and violent world, photographers use the term “shooting” for totally different purposes. Jason Siegel is a photographer who combines the two meanings in a controversial and thought-provoking project called “Shoot Portraits, Not People”. This is his first non-photography based art project. In order to make it, he used photographic equipment built into […]

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Friends invited photographer out for shooting – but they brought guns instead of cameras

I really, really hate guns. If someone invited me out for some shooting, I would think he wants me to go taking photos with him. And this is exactly what happened to astrophotographer Marc Leatham. Some friends invited him to a bonfire shoot at Four Peaks Wilderness in Arizona. It was only when they got […]

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Video: What I Do When I’m Photographically Overwhelmed

Often when you’re out shooting the photographic possibilities might feel a bit overwhelming. I get it! When I find myself in a situation like this, I like to pick one subject to focus on. You can explore that one subject – experimenting with composition, moving around, and changing your angles. This can help get your […]

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11 Tips to Improve Your Photography TODAY!

Want to take better photos, like, NOW? And how about doing that without having to dig into technical settings? Even better, what if you could do all that, without needing any new gear – using whatever camera you currently own (even a smartphone?). Cool beans, right? Today I’m going to give you 11 super-practical tips to […]

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