How to create an authentic Star Wars lightsaber using old camera components

Here’s a bit of photography-related Star Wars trivia you may have never known. The lightsaber used in the original Star Wars was a modified 3-Cell Graflex Flashgun handle. DIY YouTube effects guru Shanks FX took this piece of trivia and used it to create an informative tutorial video showing how you can make your very own […]

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How To Create The Cosmos in 8K with Practical Effects And A Canon 5DS

If you see any visualization of the cosmos nowadays it is probably one of two: either computer generated effect or a stack of images from NASA public archive. Shanks FX took a different approach and created a bigger-than-8K cosmos creation sequence with practical effects, which is movie lingo for in-camera. I absolutely love the idea of creating […]

The post How To Create The Cosmos in 8K with Practical Effects And A Canon 5DS appeared first on DIY Photography.