7 tricks and tips to let you get the most out of your smartphone photography

I use my phone’s camera far more than I would have ever expected a few years ago. Sure, they never really compete with large sensor cameras and interchangeable lenses, but they’ve come a long way. I always have it with me. It’s more than good enough for a lot of the snaps I want to grab while […]

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Shooting amazing portraits using vintage lenses

Regular readers here on DIYP will know how much we like seeing Mathieu Stern’s videos. He’s shown us some great old and weird lenses working with modern cameras and shared a few cool stories. Now, he’s teamed up with fellow French photographer Serge Ramelli to talk about portraits. More specifically, they’re portraits with vintage lenses. In these […]

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‘Size Matters’: Two photographers try to charm a woman — with photo gear

We’ll go ahead and avoid the argument of whether size matters (in photography, of course) and simply introduce this hilarious little short by photographer Serge Ramelli. Simply titled ‘Size Matters’ the three minute video depicts two photographers battling it out for the attention of a red-haired woman reading a book at the park they happen […]

The post ‘Size Matters’: Two photographers try to charm a woman — with photo gear appeared first on DIY Photography.