Gandalf and Dumbledore(Wizards, Mythology and Symbolism)

“And now Harry, let us step out into the night 
and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.”
– Albus Dumbledore

“A wizard is never late. Nor is he early.
He arrives precisely when he means to.”
– Gandalf

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, 
far more than our abilities.”
– Albus Dumbledore

“All we have to decide is what to do 
with the time that is given to us.”
– Gandalf

In Gandalf and Dumbledore we are introduced to two archetypal
powers whose Wisdom, courage and inner-strength beckons
us to follow them, Bond with them, and learn their ways; so that
we, too, can discover and ignite within ourselves those similar
latent forces that can empower us to pursue, and achieve, our own
noble and mystical Quests.

Gandalf and Dumbledore: They are magical…they are
adventurous…they are unbending strength-of-character…they
possess the Wisdom of the Ages…they also possess the scars
and experiences that can only be gained from numerous ancient
battles…they are admired by many and feared by some…they are
Wizards of the highest order!

However, though both are Wizards of the highest order, they
differ in their demeanors and in the ways in which they interact
with the world, its people, and its elements.

Throughout mythology we find that one of the Symbolic roles
of a Wizard is that of The Call To Adventure; wherein a powerful
Wizard presents a challenge of the highest order to an
unsuspecting, yet worthy and well-qualified, Initiate. Merlin
challenged Arthur. Dumbledore challenged Harry Potter.
Gandalf challenged both Bilbo and Frodo Baggins.

Let us now take a closer look at two great mythological Wizards:
Gandalf and Dumbledore.

Albus Dumbledore:

Albus Dumbledore is the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is dressed in the finest Wizard
garments, he sits at the head of the Wizard’s table when
dining, and he occupies a finely decorated personal office in
a tower above the school which is protected by magical spells
and enchantments.

In addition to governing the school and keeping the teaching
faculty appeased, he must also deal with the bureaucratic
nightmare called the Ministry of Magic which consists of
fragile egos, petty tyrants, internal bickering and mindless

Yet, while being bogged down with all of these mundane and
superfluous tasks, Albus Dumbledore still finds the time to hunt
down evil and protect the world; while at the same time Instructing,
training and maintaining an Order of elite and virtuous Wizards.

As it was in the best interest of the of the community of Wizards
not to display their talents and skills to the world of non-magical
people, known as “muggles”, the name and reputation of Albus
Dumbledore was known, respected and feared only within the
community of Wizards. The outside world, the world of “muggles”,
had no knowledge of Albus Dumbledore.

Albus Dumbledore is constantly operating in the background.
His knowledge of magic, both white and dark, is immense. He
travels throughout the realm in order to uncover the evil secrets
of dark magic; he is aware of its implements, practitioners, and
fanatics. He possesses the power, Wisdom and magical skills
that keeps evil magic at bay.

Perhaps the most powerful and darkest secret discovered by
Dumbledore was that of the various horcrux’s which Lord
Voldermort created and magically concealed throughout the realm;
each of which held a portion of his dark and powerful soul.

It was imperative that Dumbledore locate and destroy each of
the horcurx’s in order to weaken the power of Lord Voldermort.
However, in doing so, Dumbledore carelessly mishandled one
horcrux and its black magic entered his hand; eventually leading
to his doom.

At  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry there is a fellow
Wizard by the name of Severus Snape. Snape was a very close,
lifelong friend of Dumbledore. However, Snape was also in league
with the Dark Lord Voldermort; a fact of which Dumbledore was
fully Aware. And it was Snape who entered into a pact with
Dumbledore to mercifully end Dumbledore’s life before the poison
from the horcrux would be too much for Dumbledore to bear.

In this friendship between Snape and Dumbledore we recognize
the ancient Archetype of “dearest friend, dearest enemy”. How
often do we find ourselves confronted by this mythological
Archetype when a very painful and burdenful Decision must be
made which involves someone very near and dear to us?

Now, although Harry Potter did meet up with Dumbledore after
his demise, it was only in an afterlife realm when Harry himself
had been mortally wounded and was on the verge of his own
physical death. Dumbledore, however, did not ever re-appear in
the physical realm again.

In mythology, the death of a hero is often followed by a re-birth
in the same physical realm. This “death” is Symbolic of an
Initiation Ceremony; where the hero “dies” in a lower degree of
existence in order to be “re-born” into a much higher degree of
existence. This does not happen with Dumbledore. Dumbledore,
in fact, dies a true mortal death and can only be “re-visited” again
in the afterlife. Therefore, there is no Initiation of Dumbledore by
way of a “symbolic death” to a higher earthly degree as is often
found in stories of this type.


Unlike Dumbledore, who is involved with a myriad of
bureaucracies and whose name is known only to those in the
Wizarding community, Gandalf is a Wizard whose name is
known to all. He is a Wizard of the world and he freely Travels
through all of its realms.

The name and reputation of Gandalf is not only known to the
world of men, it is also spoken of with reverence by elves, dwarfs,
the trees of the forests (Ents), the great eagles of the air,
Elemental Beings – including the powerful, magical and
mystical Tom Bombadil, and yes, even among Hobbits.

It is almost impossible to imagine Gandalf becoming involved
with the pettiness and bickering of any bureaucracy when he
has the power to simply rid the world of such foolishness.
The concerns of Gandalf are only of issues of the greatest

Gandalf has the experience of many Ages. He has seen the rise
and fall of many empires. He has witnessed the horrific battlefields
created by man. He has observed the to-and-fro dance between
good and evil throughout millennia. His Wisdom, skills and powers
have been earned and honed throughout the immeasurable durations
of Time.

And because Gandalf is an ancient Wizard of the World, his dress
is that of a seasoned traveler. His Wizard’s robes and hat are the
comfortable and protective garments that can endure any type of
weather or hardship. And, his Wizard’s Staff supports him and
assists him in wielding his power and Authority wherever he
Chooses to roam.

Whereas Dumbledore experienced an actual physical death,
Gandalf experiences an Initiatory death and rebirth in the Mines
of Moria. Here we see Tolkien describe for us an Initiation Process
of the most ancient kind; and he presents it to us in a way that
only a master of mythology can.

Gandalf enters the dark, deep Mines of Moria as Gandalf the Gray,
where he battles the balrog on the Bridge of Khazad-dum.
It is during this battle that Gandalf the Gray “dies”, in order to be
reborn as Gandalf the White.

The color gray is a combination of the colors black and white.
Symbolically, this tells us that regardless of how powerful Gandalf
may have been when he entered the Mines of Moria – his dark
Womb of Initiation – he had still not yet achieved ultimate
transformation and power in the physical realm.

The balrog Symbolizes Gandalf’s Inner Demons which Gandalf
must grapple with and subdue in order to be elevated to a higher
degree of Illumination and Wisdom. The balrog helps Gandalf
“slay” his lower-self (the gray). In turn, Gandalf “slays” the balrog
– his final Inner Demon – in order to now become Self-Initiated into
a much higher order of Wizard: Gandalf the White.

Just as Dumbledore had his Snape, Gandalf had his Saruman.
However, as Dumbledore knew his adversary Gandalf did not.
It is almost impossible to imagine that Gandalf, who is now
Gandalf the White, could be deceived by anything or anyone.
Yet, it happened. And herein is the Lesson that no matter how
Wise we may Become, deception will still overcome us should
we Choose to close our eyes to the Truth which is staring us
directly in the face.

Saruman was a White Wizard of the highest order who Gandalf
Perceived to be pure, noble and beyond reproach. And it is because
Gandalf’s eyes were “glossed over” by Saruman’s title of “White
Wizard of the Highest Order”, that Gandalf could not see the
treachery that was standing before him; for Saruman had been
coerced into joining forces with the darkest of evils: Sauron, the
forger and controlling master of the Rings of Power.

From the moment Gandalf entered Saruman’s magical  tower
we, as readers, could see that something was amiss. For
Saruman’s Words and demeanor toward Gandalf warned that
he was no longer the White Wizard who was an adversary of
Sauron, but that he was now in league with this most feared
Master of Darkness.

By the time Gandalf finally realized what Saruman had become
it was almost too late for Gandalf. And it took a spectacular
rescue by an eagle, which Gandalf was ultimately able to summon,
that saved Gandalf from his doom and Middle-Earth from total

The Lesson we have here is that people, regardless of how pure
and noble they once may have been, can Change. Also, we learn
that “titles” are meaningless. A “title”, by itself, does not make a
person noble, honorable, respectable or authoritative. Only a
persons steadfast and perpetual Actions in these particular areas
make him, or her, so.

Therefore, this particular Lesson ultimately teaches us that it is our
sole responsibility to be constantly Aware of all actions, interactions,
Events and conditions which confront us as we journey through our
personal Incarnation. For only unwavering Awareness enables us to
see things for what they truly are, and not for what we falsely and
desperately Hope they should be.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the “Comment” link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2013

Books and Scrolls (Symbolism)

For the purpose of this article, Books and Scrolls refer to those
writings which preserve ancient and timeless Truth, Wisdom and
knowledge regardless of what time period in our history they may
have been written.

Books are the modern day counterparts of Scrolls. Therefore,
their purpose, function and Symbolism is similar.

Books and Scrolls are vehicles which record and perpetuate
Truth, Wisdom and knowledge for the benefit of both current and
future generations

Upon the pages and parchment of Books and Scrolls we
encounter Words, letters, Symbols and characters whose function
is to take Thoughts, ideas, Lessons and concepts out of the
realm of the abstract, invisible and verbal and bring them to life,
in some familiar fashion, in the realm of the material, tangible and

Books and Scrolls are the means by which the spoken Word
becomes the written Word; the means by which the abstract
concept becomes the picturesque archetype.

Upon their pages and parchment imagination and Thought is
transformed into readable Words and vivid pictorial displays.
It is through Books and Scrolls that ancient myth, Wisdom, and
folklore from a distant long-ago becomes a permanent
Remembrance that passes from nation to nation, culture to culture
and race to race throughout the changing ages of Time.

It is through Books and Scrolls that the Words, Thoughts,
concepts and feelings of the most ancient peoples are made
available to us today so we can reach out with our Thoughts and
feelings as we read their Words of long, long ago and thereby form
a spiritual reminiscent bond with these most ancient and distant
ancestors of ours.

Through Books and Scrolls these unknown and unremembered
ancestors become living beings with which we can now share a
common and wistful bond across Time.

Many books contain knowledge but some books contain Wisdom!

Egyptian papyri, Mayan Codex’s, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and let
us not forget the Rosetta Stone, all bring ancient information, a
primordial spiritual philosophy and a long-forgotten way of life to
us in our “modern” world.

But Books and Scrolls serve no purpose if we are unable to read,
properly Interpret, understand and make use of the information they
are attempting to reveal to us.

Universal Truths are contained within the pages and parchments
of ancient manuscripts. The fact that we may be unable to properly
interpret the hieroglyphs, Symbols, characters or speech patterns
contained in ancient Books and Scrolls does not lessen the fact
that the precise ancient information, of either the esoteric (sacred
and hidden) or exoteric (common and available to all) variety, is
contained within them.

With these thoughts in mind, let us now explore the Symbolism
associated with Books and Scrolls.

Open Books and Scrolls:

An open Book or Scroll can fall into one of two categories:

By itself, an open Book or Scroll Symbolizes information that is
available to everyone. In other words, an open Book is a Symbol
for common, everyday exoteric knowledge or information
available to all.

Taken within the context of a Ritual or Ceremony, however, an
open Book or Scroll has a slightly different Symbolism. In this
instance it Symbolizes the common knowledge or dogmas
celebrated by, and made available to, the member participants
throughout the duration of that particular Ritual or Ceremony .

One example of this can be experienced during a catholic mass
where the Bible is opened at the beginning of the mass and
closed at its ending. However, numerous other organizations
adhere to the same practices in which their special Books are
a part of their ceremony.

An open Book with blank pages Symbolizes the unwritten future
and Events which have not yet come to pass; reminding us,
therefore, that all options and outcomes still remain open.
It also Symbolizes:
a Destiny yet to be fulfilled;
a story yet to be told,
Decisions and Choices yet to be made;
dreams still to be pursued;
a mystery not yet understood;
an Adventure still in progress; and
anything not yet known, experienced or recorded.
In the everyday world, the empty pages of journals and diaries
fall into this category.

Closed Books and Scrolls:

Closed Books and Scrolls, those which are not strapped or
sealed, Symbolize common knowledge which must be accessed
by any person seeking the information contained within them.

Some examples are library books, closed books in a person’s
study or office and rolled up scrolls and maps which are simply
filed away but available to everyone.

Expanding on the example of the Bible cited above: although
the Bible is closed at the end of the mass, the information
contained within it is still available to anyone who Chooses to
access it. Therefore, it falls into the category of Books and
Scrolls which are simply closed but not sealed or bound.

On a more esoteric level, however, closed Books and Scrolls
take on a much different and unique Symbolism.

Much profound, arcane and ancient Wisdom is contained within
closed Books and Scrolls. And although this information is, in fact,
available to all, only a rare few will make the effort to extract the
Wisdom contained within them. These types of Books and Scrolls
Symbolize the lure of the  Quest. For it takes desire, effort, energy
and independent Thought to seek out, open, read and attempt to
understand the arcane, esoteric Wisdom contained within them.
These types of closed Books and Scrolls are the domain of the
true Seeker.

Sealed, bound, locked or strapped Books and Scrolls:

These Symbolize Initiatory Wisdom and Esoteric Truths that are
unavailable, incomprehensible or hidden to all but a select few.
The select few are the worthy and well-qualified Initiates and
Self-Initiates who have earned the right to have access to
Divine Wisdom and Truth.

These worthy and well-qualified individuals are those persons
who, through a burning desire, have Chosen to pursue the sublime
Path of Eternal Truth and  Ancient Wisdom that leads to distant
Horizons which lie beyond the imagination of the average person.

It is along this sublime Path that we encounter The Lone Wolf
the True Seeker and Wizards and Wanderers.

When we see a number of straps or bindings enclosing a book or
Scroll, the number of straps or bindings Is Symbolic of the number
of Initiatory degrees, processes or grades which an Initiate or
Self-Initiate must successfully pass through in order to properly
understand the contents of this particular Book of Scroll.

The High Priestess Tarot Card:

On this card we see the High Priestess holding a rolled,
but not strapped or bound, Scroll. Part of the Scroll is
revealed while part of the Scroll is concealed. The Scroll
that the High Priestess is holding is the Scroll of Wisdom.

Because Wisdom involves insight, intuition and inner knowing
(Gnosis), Wisdom is a feminine Divine Principle. This is why
the Scroll of Wisdom is in possession of a Priestess and not
a Priest.

This partly concealed and partly revealed scroll can be interpreted
in several ways:

The Initiate, or Self-Initiate, has earned a certain amount of
Wisdom but there is still more to be sought after and revealed.

Wisdom is available to some of the masses but not to all.

The High Priestess is reminding us that there are three
conditions which occupy the realm of matter and reason:
The Known, The Unknown and The Unknowable. Where The
Unknowable, by its very nature, can never be fully accessed
through the faculty of reason alone.

Modern Metaphors:

“He/she is an open book”
“He/she is a closed book”
“You can read him/her like a book”

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the “Comment” link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2013

The Sea Goat [Goat Fish] and Capricorn(Symbolism, Mythology and Astrology):

 It is interesting to delve into the etymology of Words. Etymology
describes the root elements which make up the words we use in
our everyday language.

Capricorn and Cornucopia are two words which are discussed in
this article. So, let us take a look at the root elements which give
meaning to these two words.

Capricorn (Latin Capricornus) is derived from the roots caper
which means “goat”, and cornu which means “horn”.Therefore,
Capricorn means “Goat’s Horn“. Mythologically, this is the horn
of the she-goat Amalthea who nurtured the infant Zeus.

Cornucopia is derived from the roots cornu which means “horn”,
and copia / copiae which means “plenty”, or “abundance”.
Therefore, Cornucopia means “Horn of Plenty”. And, although
we may picture the Horn of Plenty overflowing with all of the
fruits, vegetables and grains we require for our physical
sustenance, it also has a higher spiritual significance.

Esoterically, the words plenty and abundance associated with
the Cornucopia pertain to the universal plenitude available to
us which empowers us to expand our higher consciousness and
spiritual Awareness.

The Cornucopia, or “Horn of Plenty”, is how the ancients “pictured”
the star formation of the constellation which is known to us today
as Capricorn

Capricorn (December 21 – January 20):

We celebrate the start of winter in the northern hemisphere with
the Winter Solstice. This is the day which has the shortest
amount of daylight. It is also the first day in which the Sun makes
its annual appearance in the sign of Capricorn.

The Winter Solstice is that moment when the Sun “stands still”
in the southern sky, turns around, and begins its journey back
to its northern extreme; bringing the season of spring, and then
summer, back to the northern hemisphere.

This point where the Sun “stands still” and reverses its course
is represented in mythology by either a gate, a wall, or a rope
which the Sun is forbidden to pass. This gate, wall and rope is,
of course, the Tropic of Capricorn in the south and the Tropic of
Cancer in the north. The Tropic of Capricorn is where the
constellation of Capricorn is located, and the Tropic of Cancer is
where the constellation of Cancer is located. These two
constellations are the limits of the Sun’s annual journey from
north to south.

Up until the Time when the Sun enters the constellation of
Capricorn, the Moon has been Mistress of the Heavens since the
Autumn Equinox. With the entrance of the Sun into Capricorn, the
Sun will now begin to slowly gain on the Moon and will eventually
overtake it and become Master or the Heavens at the Spring
Equinox. This is the annual “dance” between the Sun and the
Moon; the Silver and the Gold; the cosmic masculine and the
cosmic feminine.

As the entrance of the Sun into the constellation of Capricorn
signifies the moment when the Sun begins to wrest control of
the heavens, it is therefore the moment of the birth, or re-birth,
of the Sun. Mythologically, Symbolically and metaphysically the
cosmic Sun is representative of the earthly Son; which is further
representative of the individual Self.

Therefore, the birth of the heavenly Sun at the cusp of Capricorn
coincides, Symbolically, with the religious celebrations of the
“birth of the Son” on earth.

The birth of the new year also occurs within the sign of Capricorn.
This is the time when many of us celebrate the birth of the new
year by way of making our “new year’s resolutions”; some of
which are actually kept.

But, on a much higher mental and spiritual plane, solar rebirth is
Symbolic of Self Initiation. Over the past year we have gained
new experiences and learned new Lessons. Did we learn from
them? Did we even recognize them? Are we going to rid ourselves
of all that is superfluous and irrelevant, take the Lessons and
experiences of our past twelve months, and Initiate ourselves into
an elevated level of consciousness? Or, will we simply be content
to be re-born into our same old self and live our same old life over,
and over, and over again?

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn: The Teacher. Either we take the
experiences and Lessons of our past twelve months and use them
as a springboard to learn, grow, expand and elevate our
consciousness under the tutorship of Saturn – The Mentor. Or,
we Ignore the Lessons and experiences of the past twelve months
and keep taking the same test over and over under the strict
disciplinary eyes of Saturn – The Teacher of Hard Lessons.

Sea Goat / Goat Fish:

Astrologically, the constellation of Capricorn is associated with
a powerful, mythological archetype called the Sea Goat.

But, what is a Sea Goat? And, how did this ancient archetype,
or Image, obtain its Symbolism?

The upper portion of the Sea Goat contains the forelegs,chest,
head and horns of a mountain goat. Its lower portion contains the
rear-half and tail portion of a fish.

The head, or skull, is a Symbol for the mind which is the domain
of logic, reason and consciousness…all that is rational. The fact
that the sure-footed mountain goat occupies the highest mountain
peaks is, therefore, Symbolic of the pursuit of higher
consciousness by the mind. And, as the mountain goat is
sure-footed, this is Symbolic of a pursuit that is that is borne upon
the feet of confidence, assuredness, steadfastness and Awareness.

It is important to keep in mind that mountain peaks are the
highest points in the physical realm. They represent the
Borders Between Realms where the earth below (lower
consciousness) comes into contact with the heavens above (higher
consciousness). In mythology,mountain peaks are the domains of
gods, sages and mystics.

The depths of the ocean is the domain of the fish. Symbolically,
the ocean represents the Subconscious. The Subconscious is
the realm of intuition, insight and inner knowing (Gnosis). the
Subconscious represents all that is mysterious.

The Sea Goat, therefore, Symbolizes the evolved individual who
has mastered both reason and intuition; consciousness and
Subconsciousness; the rational and the mysterious.

The Cusp of Capricorn:

The cusp of Capricorn is located at the highest point, the
mid-heaven, of the astrological chart. This highest point, the
mid-heaven is a further allusion to the mountain peak which the
higher consciousness (higher mind) aspires to ascend and
conquer. However, the mid-heaven cannot be conquered by
either the conscious mind or the Subconscious mind alone.
It can only be conquered by the dual effort of both; by the
highly evolved Sea Goat.

When we look at the astrological chart we notice that Capricorn
is opposite Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is the sign
or intuition and inner knowing (Gnosis).

Just prior to Cancer is the sign of Gemini. It is a dual sign and
is ruled by Mercury. It is the sign of logic, communication and
reason. Proper reason requires that we are able to understand
both sides of an issue; this is the duality of Gemini.

In the lower portion of the astrological chart reason and intuition
are separated and defined by two different signs: Gemini and
Cancer. However, here at the opposite side of the astrological
chart, at the midheaven and the cusp Capricorn, the well evolved
individual has united the Lessons learned from the signs of
Gemini and Cancer. And instead of experiencing their Incarnation
from solely a rational or intuitive point of view, solely from a
masculine or feminine point of view, this individual now becomes
the Sea Goat and understands the complimentary aspects of
reason and intuition, the masculine and the feminine, and applies
this Union of Duality to ascend to the highest peak of illumination
available in the earthly realm.

This is Capricorn. This is the Sea Goat, This is the mid-heaven.
This is the Winter Solstice. This is the rebirth of the Sun…the
Son…the Self into a higher realm by way of Self-Initiation.

Earth Signs:

Taurus: The Bull. Firm and solid ground which can support the
heaviest beast or the largest structure. The heavy and slow moving
bull seeks minimal risk and maximum security. The bull cannot
easily be persuaded, tempted, intimidated or rushed.

Virgo: Agricultural ground. Fertile land. Harvesting. Sorting and
selecting the best grins, finest seeds and nutritious plants. The
sign of the fertile corn and wheat goddesses of mythology.
Gardens, meadows, agriculture and nourishing plants.

Capricorn: Mountain peaks. Higher aspirations. Mountain tops
are the “Borders Between Realms” where the consciousness
of the earth below comes into contact with the higher
consciousness, or enlightenment, of the heavens above; the
domain of gods, sages, mystics and the Sea Goat.

See also:
Cornucopia – Symbol For Abundance“;
The Goat and the Goat’s Horn – Symbolism and Mythology“;
Winter Solstice“;
Borders Between Realms“;
Statues, Images and Idols

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the “Comment” link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2013

In Pursuit of Wizards, Guides and Mentors

“Small is the number of people
who see with their own eyes;
think with their own minds;
and feel with their own hearts.”

– Albert Einstein

“All cosmic secrets must be pursued and earned.”
– Joseph Panek

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if each one of us could have our very own
Merlin, Gandalf or Dumbledore to guide, instruct and protect us?
A Wizard who would reveal to us all of the magic and secrets of
the universe?

How many of us have fantasized over the possibility of being
granted timeless secrets, hidden Wisdom, and ancient magical
powers? And, wouldn’t it be grand to have all of these things
bestowed upon us without having to pay a price?

But, alas, we realize that this cannot be so. For in order for us to
obtain Wisdom and Magic of this magnitude a price must be paid.
The greater the prize, the greater the price!

In our Quest for Truth and Wisdom we find ourselves Traveling
down many different Paths in the Hope of finding someone who
will enlighten us, and Instruct us, in the Divine Principles of the

But, after fantasizing and wishing, perhaps for many years, for
such a personal mentor to enter our lives we ultimately realize
that there is no such one person available to us at this particular
Time in the current evolution of our planet.

So, in the end, those of us who Choose to steadfastly pursue
ancient and Esoteric Wisdom eventually accept the fact that the
age of Master Teachers and Mystery Schools is a thing of the

It is at this point that the True Seeker understands that although
there no longer are any Master Teachers available to us today,
the works and Lessons of the Master Teachers of the Past still
remain. And it is through the Lessons of the Master Teachers
of the Past that the current Seeker sets out upon the Path of

For the True Seeker of today realizes that when we rely solely
upon external mentors to do for us the tasks for which we have
been placed into Our Current Incarnation to experience for
ourselves we invite many obstacles in our Paths. These obstacles
occur for a variety of reasons. For example:

1. The world is full of charlatans who claim to have the secrets of
the universe and are willing to make these secrets available “for a
price”. These are the snake-oil salesmen who make a living by
preying upon the lazy and the gullible.
2. We may find a mentor who is very knowledgeable, but not in
the specific area in which we have a special interest.
3. We may find a mentor who presents us with knowledge which
we are not yet ready to receive. In other words, we may not have
reached the proper moment of unfoldment that enables us to
appreciate and understand the principles being presented to us.
4. There may be time constraints placed upon either us or our
mentor which prevent us from properly receiving the knowledge
which our mentor has the ability to impart upon us.
5. Our mentor may leave us prior to fulfilling the task we had
expected of them.
6. As no person can teach beyond the limit of their knowledge,
our education is limited to only what our mentor currently knows.

No one person has all of the answers. However, many other
Seekers, both past and present, have partial answers. It is up
to us, as True Seekers, to piece together these partial answers
in the same way that we piece together a jigsaw puzzle until the
final piece is in place and the puzzle is complete.

The Merlins, Dumbledores, Gandalfs, and other great Wizards
of the past are extremely rare. However their Wisdom and
knowledge still lives on and is available to all of us.

Their Wisdom and knowledge comes to us in bits and pieces
from a variety of ancient sources. These bits and pieces must be
pursued, interpreted, understood and earned by all modern Seekers.

And remember, all Merlins, Gandalfs and Dumbledores willingly
paid extremely high prices for their Wisdom. They also spent
many long and arduous years accumulating the secrets which
enabled them to learn and perfect their craft.

Comments and Emails: I welcome comments and emails from
people with similar thoughts and feelings. My Email address is
located in the upper-left area of this page. Comments can be
posted by using the “Comment” link located below each article.
Also: If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites.

Disclaimer: None of my articles should be considered to be
either advice or expertise. They are simply personal opinions
and no more. Everyone is encouraged to seek competent
advice from a licensed, registered, or certified professional
should such advice or service be required.

© copyright Joseph Panek 2012