Change Select and Mask back to Refine Edge in CC 2017

Many things have troubled me this past year. Global warming, war, consumerism, my beard that seems to grow ginger past a certain length…..but right above those, at the top of the list is Adobes new Select and Mask feature. Why? Because it just doesn’t work! No matter how many times I try, how many sliders […]

The post Change Select and Mask back to Refine Edge in CC 2017 appeared first on DIY Photography.

How to Select and Mask Hair in Photoshop

Check out the above video from Photoshop Cafe, which shows us how to use the latest version of Photoshop CC to select and mask hair (or any other tough-to-select object). The updated Select and Mask workspace offers some new features highlighted in this video. Have you tried out the new features yet? Copyright/DMCA Notice: The RSS […]