Photographing La Jolla Cove’s Brown Pelican Colony

I was lucky enough recently to get another opportunity to photograph California Brown Pelicans, a subspecies of P. occidentalis, – the smallest member of the pelican family at LaJolla Cove near San Diego. On and off over the last 20 years I’ve visited this location during the second/third week of January when the pelicans are […]

Photographing Birds – What NOT To Do

Most bird photographers will post their best images and let you know how cool it is to photograph birds – me included. But most bird photographers will NOT post the images that they screw up and I guess I didn’t get that memo because I will. Sometimes you can learn more from mistakes than successes. […]

What Piece Of Camera Gear Should You Buy Next?

With the holidays just finished – you can bet there are lots of new camera owners out there. Some percentage of them will be infected with the same love of photography that all of us here at Photofocus have. When that happens, eventually, the question comes up. (Even with those who have had their camera […]

3Pod Carbon Fiber Monopod Mini Review

I recently came upon a new house brand called 3Pod at Adorama – the giant New York-based camera and electronics store. And the first product I tested is a monopod. It’s called the: “3Pod Orbit 4-Section Carbon Fiber Photo/Video Monopod with Fluid Base and TiltHead with Quick Release.” While that’s a very long official name, […]

To Become A Better Wildlife Photographer – Learn More About Wildlife

As well-known nature photographer John Shaw says, “To become a better photographer, become a better naturalist.” It’s just common sense. The more you learn about your subject, the better prepared you’ll be to capture compelling images. This applies to all forms of photography but in this post I’ll specifically discuss wildlife as the subject. There […]

I Think I Know The Hardest Thing About Photography

I think I know the hardest thing about photography… (At least for me) It’s judging my own work. I’ve been a print competition judge at a national and regional level. I’ve done image critiques in paid workshops and online. I’ve judged more than 50 online photo contests. When I am looking at YOUR work, I […]

How I Made The Shot – Eagle & Boat At Sunset

On my last trip to Alaska we had some great sunsets and on the day I made this image we had a beautiful orange glow in the sky. I saw this Coast Guard supply ship in the distance and I realized that it was going to pass right under the sun. I also saw a […]