Finalist photos of Wellcome Image Awards show incredible science-related images

The Wellcome Image Awards has been celebrating science, medicine, and life for 20 years now. This competition connects science and art in the most wonderful way, and the finalists of 2017 competition have officially been announced. The final images are both scientifically significant and incredibly unique and beautiful. Aside from conventional photographs, there are also […]

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The first ever recording of light’s “sonic boom” was made with the fastest high-speed camera in the world

  According to theoretical physics, nothing is faster than the speed of light. However, now you can see with your own eyes the first ever recording of a “sonic boom” – created by light. Or scientifically called a photonic Mach cone. It was recorded by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, and they used […]

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This stunning video captures all four seasons through microscopes and macro lenses

The team at Beauty of Science see the world a little differently to most of us. While we’re far too busy looking with our eyes, they’re seeing through microscopes and macro lenses. So many things happen on the small scale that we simply can’t see. Things we’d never even know about unless we went specifically looking for […]

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This is how light hit a subject in a portrait, nano second by nanosecond

We always talk about how light hits a portrait in a certain way, but we never actually see how the light hits a portrait, one second its dark and then in the next second it’s lit. There is no hitting. Well, here is how light actually hits a portrait. Of course you can not actually film how light […]

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The history of photography, explained in 5 minutes

Photography might be a young art for all intents and purposes, but that doesn’t mean its history is anything less than complicated. Thankfully, if you don’t care to take a semster-long course on how photography came to be, COOPH has created a helpful video that breaks down the history of photography in just five minutes. […]

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This Is What Happens When You Toss Hot Tea At -40°C

We’ve all seen those photos where a model in a pool or the ocean throws her hair back to create a beautiful splash, but I bet you’ve never seen the Arctic Circle version of it. Equipped with a few tea-filled thermoses, and with science on his side, Photographer Michael Davies and his friend Markus headed […]

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A Geeky Crash Course On The Science of Camera Sensors

//geek alert Often when we talk about camera sensors we talk about “buckets” collecting “photons of light”. But talking about buckets is looking at the sensor mechanism from a bird’s eye view. If you want a deeper understanding of how camera sensors work, Filmmaker IQ is giving a terrific lecture that goes down all the way […]

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NASA Photographs Supersonic Schockwaves From Earth; Says You Can Too With Only $3000 Of Consumer Level Gear

Here’s some exciting potential for the astrophotography and/or science enthusiasts out there. NASA has announced they have been experimenting with different types of Schlieren based photography techniques to help them photograph things we typically can’t see, such as air density gradients and, in this case, supersonic schockwaves left behind by a moving aircarft. “Researchers at […]

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