Sigma 20mm f/1.4 Art lens rumored to be announced this Friday

Sigma’s Art lens lineup has become extremely popular, and according to Digicame-info the company is about to add a new lens to the lineup. Continuing to focus on wide angle lenses, the next lens rumored to be released is the 20mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art, and if true we should see it already this Friday. […]

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New Canon EF 70-200mm L Lens Rumored

Canon Rumors reports of a tip that Canon is working on a new EF 70-200mm L lens. It would most likely be the aging EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM model that would get the Mark II update. No word on when the lens would be coming but sooner rather than later is likely. Canon has […]

Updated: rumored specs for the Nikon D5

The most recent update to the rumored specs for Nikon’s upcoming flagship DSLR, expected to be named the D5, confirms most previously mentioned specs, includes more info regarding the 4K video capabilities, mentions full HD slow motion and a possible decrease in the expected number of autofocus points. Despite the possible decrease from previously rumored […]

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Canon’s 120MP DSLR not likely to appear before 2017

Canon’s 120MP DSLR concept camera, which was on display at Canon EXPO this week, is said to be at least two years away according to Canon Rumors’ sources within the company. The camera’s body type is also said to be undetermined at the moment, as Canon is waiting to see where it will ‘fit into […]

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