Mastering composition with a little help from Will Smith (sort of)

Perhaps “with help from a little Will Smith” would’ve been a little more accurate, but still. The “rules” of composition are widely known and hotly debated. On the one side, you’ve got those who swear by them, live by them, and can’t break free from them. On the other side you’ve got those who claim […]

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Why The Golden Ratio Is Better Than The Rule Of Thirds

A long time ago I was a young art student, being told about the “Rule Of Thirds”. I was told it’s one of the most important fundamentals of art and photography, as it helps you get the right composure in your images. Overlay a tic-tac-toe/noughts and crosses grid over your image and crop or move […]

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Why does bad framing work? Looking beyond the rules of composition

The only thing over which we always have control in photography or video, no matter what your camera, is composition. We’re taught these “rules” and theories to help improve how we frame our work. But how much do these rules really need to be followed? And how does our viewer perceive the work when they […]

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20 tips and rules to make you a composition ninja

There are no unbreakable rules when it comes to how you should compose your photographs After all, who likes rules except for your old school principal or heads of H.R. departments? There are however, several guidelines you can use to help improve the composition of your photos. In this tutorial, I’ve listed 20 of these guidelines […]

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There is no way to break compositional rules, only move to more advanced rules

Of course it follows the rule of thirds, It has to to be a good photo, right? I am not sure. You can always “break the rules”, to make a good photo, which loughs at the composition rules… This display of power from Photographer James Allen Stewart shows that there is no way around the rules, […]

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Six Tips to Make your Holiday Pictures Sing

As the well-known advertising jingle says, the holidays are coming. A time when families get together, eat, drink, be merry and generally have a whale of a time. So there’s no better time to whip out the phone and start capturing images of the frivolity. If you want to get great pictures though, there are […]

A 10 point checklist for perfect photo composition

Composition is an art and also a science, and an area where a lot of otherwise technically proficient photographers can struggle. It’s not something that can be taught, like the relationship between aperture and shutter speeds or figuring out hyper-focal distance, but here are some essential tips to help you with framing… 1 What are… Continue reading

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7 Tricks to Sports and High-Speed Action Photography

Photographing subjects in action is one of the most challenging but rewarding aspects of photography. With little time to think, and no room for error, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with these types of high speed situations. There are seven tricks however, that everyone can use to improve their percentage of keepers right away.  

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