Photo of the Day: Cooler Study II

Category: Creative Photograph: Cooler Study II, by Liz Glass Originally shared on the Photofocus Flickr community right here. To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please read this article. This Post Sponsored by: Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you […]

Creating a Lightroom Folder Structure

The first rule in creating a Lightroom catalog is to develop a folder structure that makes sense to you. Following these simple tips will ensure your Lightroom catalog will be organized and efficient.

Photofocus Photowalk: Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs

Come join us for an evening of fun as we photograph the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. We will quickly start with a sunset shoot then take our time as we capture the beauty of the Garden with long exposures. Thanks to Perfectly Clear for partnering with us on these events. We’ll be giving […]

Making Selects by using Flags in Lightroom

Once we imported our photos to our catalog, we need to quickly review each image and select our favorites. The trick is NOT to make this a time consuming task. One option is to use the Flagging system to temporarily select your favorite images. It’s important not to get hung up on an image. If […]