Sony a6000 with Neewer Underwater Case

I use Sony a6000 as my primary underwater camera. It is 24.3MP so I can easily compose in editing. The kit lens is sharp and shoots wide. The Sony shoots in RAW, necessary for white balance and editing after the fact. It has very fast autofocus which can keep up with my subjects as well […]

Review: Photoboards from Sweet Pix

Recently, Sweet Pix reached out and requested a review of their 8” x 8” photo boards. These photo boards can be ordered directly from an iPhone through the Sweet Pix app, which is available on iTunes.   After downloading the app, the process of creating the photo boards is fast and simple. The entire process took about […]

Close-Up with a Tilt Lens: Lensbaby Edge 50 Mini Review

I really enjoy close-up photography, so when my daughter had a dance recital recently, I had ulterior motives for buying her a bouquet of flowers. Right after she was in bed, I set about photographing her flowers. In this case, I wanted to put a new lens through its paces, and this lens is uniquely […]

Learn to Leverage Powerful Prints at WPPI

When I started photography in high school, I spent the majority of my time in the darkroom making prints from the few negatives I shot. It took a lot of time to finally see what I’d recorded on film. When I started digital photography I the complete opposite experience. I could now see my photographs […]

Nest Cam could’ve been the ultimate timelapse camera

Nest Cam got a lot of things right when they created their home security camera series. It shows such incredible promise as a powerful timelapse camera, but by screwing up the software, they shot themselves in the foot in what could have been the easiest-to-use high-quality timelapse camera out there. Here’s how they got things wrong, […]

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MindShift Gear UltraLight Dual 36L – Mini Review

If you’ve read my reviews of Think Tank Photo bags you know I am a fan. So when I heard that some of the people from Think Tank started another brand called MindShift Gear, I decided to take a look. With the same attention to quality and detail, MindShift Gear is tackling a different segment […]

Fuji Instax Mini 8 Review

The Instax Mini 8 is one of the most popular cameras in the world and is part of the epic line of compact instant film cameras from Fujifilm. Although the Mini 8 is several years old, it is a perennial best seller for both casual and enthusiast shutterbugs. As I write this review, Instax Mini film sits […]