The three levels of sharpening you should be applying in Photoshop – Detail, Global & Local

[I thought that seeing as I have a Post-Producition Workshop fast approaching, I needed a blatant excuse to promote it via an article on my site 😀 Well here it is, a look at some of the sharpening techniques I use in Photoshop to give my images a little visual-pop before I publish them.] What […]

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Want better portraits? Rotate your canvas while retouching.

Once, the idea of rotating my canvas when retouching was jarring to me. I knew it was something my peers were doing but I just couldn’t be bothered to try it myself. After a few one on one lessons where I was “forced” to do it by David Neilands, I actually found a surprising improvement […]

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Five different and easy ways to clean up skin blemishes with Photoshop

No matter who we are, our skin isn’t perfect. It’s just a fact of life. The odd zit here and there, a little scratch, perhaps a single stray hair. There’s always something. So, for portraits, temporary blemishes usually need a quick touch up. Fortunately, such issues are easy to fix in Photoshop. Or, more accurately, […]

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A guide on how to approach dodge and burn, what are you trying to fix?

Dodging and Burning images is something that I see every day in photography and it seems to have two purposes: Artistic character and removing luminosity based distractions. Today I’m going to be talking about the latter, removing luminosity based distractions. I’m going to assume you already know how to do dodge and burn (and if […]

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How to turn off that annoying grid in Photoshop when you zoom in.

Hey, guys! I’ve been working on 4K for the last year, and as such, I have to zoom in quite considerably more than resolutions such as 1080 and 1440 to get to the same level of “zoomed in” view. This extreme zoom-in add a grid to the view. As a photographer and a retoucher, it […]

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Three Photoshop tricks for a scary Halloween

If you are a retoucher, there is no question about your favorite holiday. Let me guess… Halloween 🙂 Stefan over at the Raw Exchange just shared three quick photoshop tricks to help bring normal photos into scary Halloween composites. (Only instead of a normal photo, stefan is using probably the scariest clown I’ve seen in my […]

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