Drones are definitely here to stay as US sales increased 117% in 2016

Some drone manufacturers didn’t have a great holiday season last year. But that hasn’t stopped people from buying them. According to a new report from market research company NPD, “premium” drone dollar sales are up. And up in a big way. They’ve more than doubled on the previous year, rising by 117%. NPD define “premium” as […]

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Study shows Californians shoot the most #drivingselfies

The general population seems to have got it through their head that texting while driving is a stupid idea. It seems, though, that when it comes to selfies, people quite gotten so smart yet. A recent study by the Auto Insurance Center says that at any given moment during daylight hours in the USA, around 660,000 […]

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Study finds the average photojournalist is male, self-employed, earns little but happy

Have you ever wondered how you compare to other news photographers? Perhaps you’ve felt that you’re earning less than your colleagues or that your occupation is especially dangerous? A new study on the state of photojournalistic practice, conducted by the University of Stirling and the University of Oxford’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism […]

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