Rant: Tripod makers, please don’t force us to carry coins in our bags

I am a firm believer in the power of the tripod. Tripods let you do wonderful things. You can easily composite, take long exposures, do light painting, it is just an awesome tool. When it comes to video tripods are even more essential, at least if you want to take a static shot. But tripods […]

The post Rant: Tripod makers, please don’t force us to carry coins in our bags appeared first on DIY Photography.

DIY Tip: Attach a washer to your keychain to easily tighten and remove quick plates

As change becomes less and less relevant with credit cards and digital payment systems, it’s become less likely than ever that you carry around change. How is this relevant to photography? Because every so often there comes a time when you need to attach or remove a quick release system and don’t have a penny […]

The post DIY Tip: Attach a washer to your keychain to easily tighten and remove quick plates appeared first on DIY Photography.