Winners of 2017 Pulitzer Prize for photography announced

This year’s Pulitzer Prize winners have been announced. As every year, photographers are among winners as well. Both winners illustrated violence and fear, but on different sides of the world. Daniel Berehulak won the Breaking News Photography Award for documenting violence in Philippines, brought about by a government assault on drug dealers and users. E. Jason […]

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Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer slams CBS for asking for free photos

Chances are that in the time it took you to read this sentence, a photographer (or ten) was asked if his photos can be used for free. This happens all the time and has gotten to the point where it doesn’t faze most people, but when a company valued at over $30 billion asks a […]

The post Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer slams CBS for asking for free photos appeared first on DIY Photography.

Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer slams CBS for asking for free photos

Chances are that in the time it took you to read this sentence, a photographer (or ten) was asked if his photos can be used for free. This happens all the time and has gotten to the point where it doesn’t faze most people, but when a company valued at over $30 billion asks a […]

The post Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer slams CBS for asking for free photos appeared first on DIY Photography.