From bugs to poison: the weird history of fake blood

Nowadays you can simply buy fake blood, even online. But if you don’t have a high budget and you’re filming the next Texas Chainsaw Massacre – you will probably still want to rely on DIY blood. Ketchup doesn’t really work, so – what’s the perfect recipe? Before cinema and TV, there were only theaters. And […]

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This is how a piece of photographic gear became the iconic Star Wars prop

Did you know that the most iconic movie prop ever was made out of a piece of photographic gear? While George Lucas was making A New Hope, he used all sorts of junk as props. He wanted to suggest the sense of history and make the items in the movie seem used. Because of this, […]

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Knitting Your Own Props for Newborns

One of the genres of photography that is experiencing massive growth and demand is newborn photography. I’m sure at some point, you have seen a tiny baby wrapped up tightly in a piece of cloth, laying in a basket, or propped up onto their tiny hands while they sleep. There is a huge advantage to […]

DIY Props: How to Make Realistic Aged Paper in five Minutes

We all know that the devil is in the details, and sometimes what makes or breaks the final output, be it a video or still image, is the tiniest thing. When it comes to movie or studio props, ancient maps and dusty old parchments are pretty common. What’s not as common, however, is this quick […]

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This Is How To Make Fake Blood And How It’s Been Used Throughout History

Blood is crucial to movies. And it is not just the gore-filled, army oriented, zombie killing movies. Every time someone get hit and need to bleed a bit, there is the issue of where blood comes from. Of course, you can not use real blood. There are moral and ethical issues with that. Not to […]

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