Watch: woman pulls a gun on a drone hovering above her house

Drones have definitely become common in our everyday lives. There are plenty of their possible uses, from taking photos and videos to making tigers exercise. However, not all of the applications are useful or positive. I’ve often heard that you could use a drone to spy on your neighbors, and apparently, some people do it, […]

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Can someone snap a photo of me in the street and use it to identify me?

With facial recognition technology you can take pictures of people in the street, run them through publicly available photographs online, and get a match. You would have heard this statement if you had been listening to the 20 September 2016 episode of Seriously on BBC Radio 4, called ‘The Online Identity Crisis’. I only heard […]

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Russian Drone pilot’s footage goes viral after capturing an “active” couple at the top of a church steeple (maybe NSFW)

Something tells me the owner of this drone was not quite expecting to capture what he saw when he reviewed the footage from this flight. While filming a local church at the city of Torzhok, in the Tver Oblast region in Russia, the drone’s camera accidentally caught a couple having sex in the church’s steeple. It […]

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Russian app lets you shoot photos of strangers and identify them online

As if the facial recognition news coming out of Russia wasn’t creepy enough already, it’s now available in App form to users of popular Russian social media network, Vkontakte. FindFace, which launched only two months ago, allows users to photograph people in a crowd and discover their identities with 70% reliability and could be the […]

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French Photojournalist faces criminal charges over image of Paris attack victim

Photojournalist Maya Vidon-White is facing criminal charges over her photo of a man who was killed during the November terror attacks in Paris after the man’s family filed charges against the Paris based photographer. Stating that the publication of the image caused the family emotional damage, press freedom advocates argue that Vidon-White has been wrongfully targeted […]

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France: Sharing photos of your kids could land you in jail

If you are a French parent who likes posting their kid’s photos all over the internet, we have same bad news for you. The Telegraph noticed that the privacy laws in France are pretty strict. How strict, you ask? Strict to the point that your offspring can sue you for infringing on their right to […]

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German Court Rules It Illegal to Possess Nude Photos of Your Ex

It’s no secret that many couples these days capture intimate photos during their relationship, but what should happen with those photos once the couple breaks up? In a decision that could criminalize millions of men (and some women), a German judge ruled that a man must delete nude photos of his ex-girlfriend. According to the […]

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Sex offenders in Switzerland will have their pixelated photos published… And then unpixelated…

Swiss police came up with a new, and highly controversial, plan to get suspects to turn themselves in. According to Ha’aretz newspaper, the police will release a pixelated photo of suspects to the media, along with a message warning that unless they turn themselves in within a week, unpixelated photos will be published and the […]

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