How a photographer recreated The Dark Side of the Moon album cover in camera

No matter if you are a fan of Pink Floyd or not, I’m sure you know the cover of their iconic album The Dark Side of the Moon. After all, as photographers, you are familiar with the phenomenon it depicts. Young photographer Mason Maxwell turned that phenomenon into a photo that pays a tribute to […]

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Use inexpensive prisms to add some colour and interest to your photography

Prisms have started to become quite a popular photography accessory in the last couple of years. Their very nature of bending and splitting light makes them ideal for getting creative with your photography. Typically, though, most photographers who’ve adopted a prism as part of their kit, use the same type. Long, triangular prisms, more commonly seen […]

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Use a prism, gels, and camera movement for more dramatic portraits with flash

Getting your flash away from the camera is the obvious way to start moving from snapshots towards portraits, and there are many techniques to add drama to your images with lighting alone. In this short behind the scenes video from our friends at SLR Lounge, we see three fantastic techniques for pushing those dramatic portraits just a […]

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