This animated video tells you everything you need to know about aperture

The aperture is one of the most difficult things for new photographers to wrap their head around. The number system seems confusing (smaller number, bigger hole), depth of field, how it affects exposure. It’s a lot to take in all at once. This five minute animated video from YouTuber Apalapse goes over everything you ever needed […]

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4 Lighting Principles I wish I knew when I started Photography

When I first started photography, I struggled a lot with lighting. In the beginning, we are often told to shoot our subjects in open shade. If you don’t know how to do this properly, then the results can be disastrous: faces with dark shadows, eyes with no depth, overexposed backgrounds, etc. To be able to […]

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Field curvature – Or why not everything that should be in focus is sharp

Up front let me say “field curvature” is not that pesky problem where images with straight lines in the frame seem to bow in or out as you move towards of the corners, that would be distortion, which comes in two core flavours, barrel and pincushion, with moustache as a somewhat recalcitrant but rare third […]

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The laws of light cannot be broken but they can be controlled

Without light, there would be no such thing as photography. But simply having light isn’t enough. Cameras turn our three dimensional world into a two dimensional flat image. Light allows us to bring that third dimension back into our images. In order to do that, we need to know how to read it and how […]

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