Fujifilm Ambassador releases his Lightroom preset collection for free

Fuji’s line of X cameras are well known for their great colour. They’re ability to simulate classic films like Velvia and Provia gives photographers what they want straight out of the camera. As such, there’s little to really do to them in post. Some photographers, though, still want to have a little more flexibility. Fujfilm X-Photographer Samuel Zeller […]

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How to scroll through Lightroom / ACR presets with your keyboard arrows!

I’ve been sitting around for the last week trying to find something I can share with you all that will really enhance your enjoyment and time efficiency when editing your photos. That’s when I stumbled upon this absolute gem of a program! This guy “TimarIuveo” on YouTube has essentially made an action that tells your […]

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The ultimate Lightroom film look presets comparison

When it comes to getting the look of film, or something even vaguely resembling film, I’m one of those who would sooner just pick up an old Nikkormat, load a roll, and go shoot it, than to try and recreate the effect in post. That being said, the speed, cost and convenience of shooting digital undoubtedly gives […]

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Here’s how to reorganize and remove your least used Instagram filters

Did you know you can edit the order of your Instagram filters? Neither did we, until today. Now, you can make sure your most used presets are at the front of the order so you aren’t spending time scrolling through unwanted options you never end up using anyways. To do this, simply scroll all the […]

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VSCO Drops the Price on All Seven of Its Film Packs to Honor Its 4 Year Anniversary

It’s been exactly four years since Visual Supply Co. (VSCO) launched its very first VSCO Film® film emulation preset pack. Since then, they’ve added six more, created a collection of smartphone apps and even developed an artist grant ‘that provides artists the resources to pursue their creative vision, no matter what the medium.’ To honor […]

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Get Over $3,300 Worth Of Photography Education For Only $127 Today

I know, this sounds like a hoax, right? Well, it’s not. We partnered with the 5daydeal team last year and it was spectacular. The idea is simple, every now and then you need some info, you may look for it on the forums, google or youtube, and every now and then you would buy a […]

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