How to never approach a photograper if you’re an influencer or media personality

I really dislike it when photographers aren’t treated with respect for their time and talent. It happens way too often sadly. Justin Rosenberg recently fell into this situation. He was recently approached by a media personality that wanted to take advantage of her position. The funny part is that she had less online engagement than he […]

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This photo has no red pixels and you’ll refuse to believe it

I initially refused to believe it when this photo came across my feed. My eyes aren’t broken! I can see they’re strawberries, and they’re definitely red. They have to be trolling us with this image, right? I immediately took it into Photoshop and used my color picker because I just had to prove myself that […]

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Clients From Hell Photographer Edition: “What Are Your Rates?”

I always say that if you want to see creativity, ask a photographer the various ways potential clients will respond back to rate requests. I decided to turn that into reality! I asked photographers the worst stories they had with potential clients responding back after being asked what their rates were. I promised to keep […]

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These models were photographed 14 years apart with the same lighting

What if you could see yourself in 14 years, would you want to know what you look like? Urs Recher is a Switzerland based photographer that pursued a personal project that had me fascinated. Back in 2002, he shot beautiful portraits of two models. He shot the same models again this year with the exact […]

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Photokina News: Tim Cook Joins Adobe, Promises To Remove The Healing Brush

While we are covering photokina 2016,  looks like Pratik Naik has got some scoops which may or may not be true. In a shocking move that came unexpected to the industry, former Apple CEO has agreed to join Adobe this morning at Photokina. The move startled tech insiders. “It made sense to no one,” one […]

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Photokina News: Tim Cook Joins Adobe, Promises To Remove The Healing Brush

While we are covering photokina 2016,  looks like Pratik Naik has got some scoops which may or may not be true. In a shocking move that came unexpected to the industry, former Apple CEO has agreed to join Adobe this morning at Photokina. The move startled tech insiders. “It made sense to no one,” one […]

The post Photokina News: Tim Cook Joins Adobe, Promises To Remove The Healing Brush appeared first on DIY Photography.