11 Tips to Improve Your Photography TODAY!

Want to take better photos, like, NOW? And how about doing that without having to dig into technical settings? Even better, what if you could do all that, without needing any new gear – using whatever camera you currently own (even a smartphone?). Cool beans, right? Today I’m going to give you 11 super-practical tips to […]

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6 Tips For Better Bokeh

ISO 125,  70mm,  f/2.8,  1/800s Normally what grabs our attention in a great photo is what is in focus. But have you ever looked at a photo and noticed how beautiful the out-of-focus areas are? Sometimes the out-of-focus areas might look like a gorgeous soft mass of blurriness. Other times it may seem as though […]

The post 6 Tips For Better Bokeh appeared first on Photography Concentrate.

Being Prepared Makes all the Difference

I love the Boy Scout motto of Be Prepared. As a photographer that often means carrying extra batteries, a spare camera, and an extra memory card. But also knowing the location, and what conditions you’ll be working under. Practice Ahead of Time We just recently moved into a house with a pool, and I have […]

Don’t Waste Your Time: Light the Room

We all have times when we’re waiting for something—maybe the doctor’s office, or a meal at restaurant, or at the auto shop—and many times we spend that time checking Instagram with our eyes glued to our phones. I’d like to suggest a more productive use of your time that will exercise your mind and make […]

10 Mistakes You Need To Make When Learning Photography

Mistakes are powerful learning experiences. As much as they feel like a failure, they are, in fact, growth in progress. And for that reason, making mistakes as you learn photography is just a natural part of the process of developing as a shooter. Here are 10 mistakes that many photographers make. They are ones that we’ve […]