This photographer creates surrealistic images without Photoshop manipulation

The battle between those who support photo manipulation and those who don’t is probably never-ending. I believe both are right, and I think photo-manipulation is an art for itself. But Slovak photographer Michal Zahornacky brings these two worlds together in a way. He creates dreamy, surrealistic photos – but free from digital manipulation. Michal says […]

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Get amazing outdoor location portraits by mixing ambient light with your flash

A common mistake made when learning to shoot flash outdoors is to try and crush every bit of ambient light you can. Many photographers think it’s either one or the other. Daylight or flash. But mixing the two and getting the best of both worlds often produces the most spectacular results. It’s also less stress […]

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How to get over your fear and shoot street portraits with permission

If there is one genre of street photography I specialize in, it is “street portraiture.” I love talking with my subjects, engaging with them, and focusing on their faces. If I started shooting street portraits all over again, this is the advice I would give myself. 1. Don’t Hesitate Avoid all regrets. If you see […]

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Photographer reveals public and private personalities of celebrities in the series of double portraits

We all imagine our favorite celebrities in a certain way. But what we see is the picture they create for the public, and it’s perfectly normal. But a Shutterstock staff photographer Andrew H. Walker reveals the different sides of their personalities. He created a series of double portraits which show that our favorite celebrities may […]

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16 top tips for shooting beautiful portraits

It’s that time of year again, gathered around our families. They all know we have that fancy camera. So, it’s down to us to document the event and get portraits of everybody for history. Shooting portraits, though, isn’t always that easy if it’s not something you’re used to doing. Well, here’s Ilko Alexandroff with 16 […]

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How to use a reflector to create flattering light for portraits

Reflector is most likely the second or the third thing most of us buy after the camera. If you are a portrait photographer, you probably use it a lot. But are you using it properly? In this video, Joe Edelman teaches you how to use the reflector properly and create flattering light for your subject […]

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How dog toys and toilet paper can improve your portrait photography

Coming up with new and interesting ways to improve your portraits in the studio can sometimes be challenging. You feel like you’re just going through the motions session after session. Photographer, Joe Edelman, recently posted a video about the Light Blaster and how it can help you get more creative in the studio, to project […]

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Spread ’em – A top tip for photographing tall & short couples

Photographing couples can be great fun. It can also be a great big pain, especially when you are faced with a couple that have a pretty drastic height difference between them. The common tactic is to simply hunch the taller person over to match the height of the other. It’s not a very flatting look, […]

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