Photographer reveals public and private personalities of celebrities in the series of double portraits

We all imagine our favorite celebrities in a certain way. But what we see is the picture they create for the public, and it’s perfectly normal. But a Shutterstock staff photographer Andrew H. Walker reveals the different sides of their personalities. He created a series of double portraits which show that our favorite celebrities may […]

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PortraitPro Body now lets you change your subject’s entire body

This is one of those announcements that’s going to split the photography world in two. Some will be over the moon that such a tool exists. Others will be infuriated that yet another piece of software is taking the skill away from photography & retouching. A few will also not care one way or the other. Regardless […]

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LandscapePro promises to do to turn your dull boring images into dramatic landscapes

Anthropics, the creators of PortraitPro, have set their sights on a new target with the launch of their new LandscapePro standalone application and Photoshop plugin. Aiming to do for your landscapes what PortraitPro does to your face, this new software boasts a range of features that let you to turn your mediocre snapshots into something that may or may […]

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