Tiny vibrations bring still photos to life in dynamic interactive images

A photograph is, by its very nature, a still image. Good ones perform their task very well. As technology has evolved the lines between photo and video have started to become a little blurred. We’ve got live photos, Instagram supports video, and now wants to be SnapChat. Then we have augmented reality. The combination of computer […]

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Apparently capturing Pokemons while second shooting is a thing now

If you’re living in the this earth you know that capturing Pokemons with the pokemon go app is sucking out everyone’s time. People have been capturing pokemons in parks, museums, just on the street and actually everywhere…. you will not hear me complain to anything that get folks out off the couch and on to the […]

The post Apparently capturing Pokemons while second shooting is a thing now appeared first on DIY Photography.