This photographer creates crazy Toy Stories using practical effects

I’m amazed by the art talented photographers can make with toys, and one of such photographers is Mitchel Wu. He creates “Toy Stories” using the toys from the popular Pixar’s franchise. His photos show action frozen in time, but he doesn’t add the objects in Photoshop. Everything you see is created in the scene and […]

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Learn how to tell a story in your work with this free “Pixar in a Box” series of shorts

Telling a story with our work can often be one of the most challenging things we face as creatives. But it’s also one of the most important. Whether it’s a drawing, a photograph or a film, having your work tell a story gives it meaning. It speaks to the viewer in a way that they […]

The post Learn how to tell a story in your work with this free “Pixar in a Box” series of shorts appeared first on DIY Photography.