Shutterstock works its way into Photoshop with new plugin

Shutterstock has been one of the world’s leading microstock agencies for more than a decade now. Like other microstock sites their business model is a simple one. Sell a lot of image licenses very inexpensively, focusing on quantity and bulk sales. For many photographers, that’s not always been an ideal situation. A vast archive of […]

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This is how Photoshop and other applications resize your images, mathematically speaking

The mathematical side of photography has always interested me. It can be mostly ignored by photographers, often only required to understand the exposure triangle. For me, though, the maths is part of what initially drew me into photography. In this video from Computerphile, we learn what goes into some of the calculations that allow us to easily resize our images inside […]

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Got a gazillion megapixel photo? This is how you use a “magnifying glass” to show off

If you have a great camera and you took a great photo* there is really no way to show the resolution of that photo in the internet. Now, you may wanna ask why would you even wanna show off the resolution of such a photo, and I can think of several reasons. Potential buyers may […]

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How vanishing points work and how to apply them in photoshop for perfect perspective

Hold on, we are going to show you what’s that weird point inside your transformation is. As most of the people who are doing image manipulation art, I find myself struggle with backgrounds – especially when it comes to creepy surreal backgrounds. I was building my own room in Photoshop – and it turned out […]

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Photographer makes multitasking in the kitchen a breeze with some post processing magic

For most of us, it seems like there just isn’t enough time in the day. With a little help from Photoshop, photographer Sarah Santiny found the perfect multitasking solution. This really is levitation photography taken to the extreme. When I saw the above image scroll though my Facebook feed, it drew me right in. The idea is fantastic, […]

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How to Place a Logo Behind a Person in Photoshop

In this video from Phlearn, Aaron Nace walks through how to place a logo behind a person in Photoshop. The process is pretty straightforward but can vary in the level of complexity depending on how detailed the background is. You’ll need to select the subject from the background using something like the magic wand or the […]

Save yourself $300 and animate photographs in Photoshop with these Plotagraph style actions

I’m sure you’ll have heard the buzz about Plotagraph Pro by now. It’s a new web app in which you animate a photograph. It’s sweeping the photography world. Or, at least, it would be if it didn’t cost $300. And then $350 for each year after the first 12 months. Photographer Diako Mardanbegi thought that there must be […]

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