How Good Are You With Curves?

Curves are somewhat of a panacea when it comes to Photoshop adjustment layers. With curves you can do pretty much anything you can do with the other adjustment layers: contrast, color correction, apply looks… One could argue that you can virtually eliminate all other Photoshop features, as long as keep curves and masks. Of course, you would […]

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Here is The Entire Universe in One Image

The release of Canon’s ultra wide angle 11-24mm lens and 360° cameras have allowed photographers to fit more in their frames than ever before. But, as wide as those devices go, they’ve got nothing on this next image. An artist named Pablo Carlos Budassi crammed the entire universe into a single image, using logarithmic maps […]

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The Oil Paint filter is back in Photoshop!

The Oil Paint filter is back in Photoshop! Why was it removed? Your guess is as good as mine, but it’s back! In this tutorial, I take a look at two examples of how it can be used. Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for more […]

The Oil Paint filter is back in Photoshop!

The Oil Paint filter is back in Photoshop! Why was it removed? Your guess is as good as mine, but it’s back! In this tutorial, I take a look at two examples of how it can be used. Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for more […]

All Our eBooks on Sale Until February 14, 2016

How’d you like more than 750 pages of photo education and inspiration for less than $5? Our eBooks are on sale for just 99¢ in the United States.  We’ve asked iTunes to price equivalently around the globe. Available for iBooks The sale runs until February 28, 2015. The collection contains text, photos, video, audio, and interactive content. The […]

How to create snow in Photoshop

In today’s Photoshop tip, learn how to create snow using a custom brush, filters, and an adjustment layer. Similar techniques can be used to create rain, as well! Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for more updates by clicking on the links below! Follow on Twitter Subscribe […]

Tutorial: How To Create A Textured Face White Walker (From Any Portrait)

The year comes to an end and just before the busy days of watching StarWars and celebrating the holidays I’m rushing to finish some images and close this year off. One of the images that needed to be done was my contribution to the Dark Realm Collective – Black Christmas Art Pack. I’ve been part […]

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The Evolution of Cameras and Portraits in 11 Images

We’ve all seen photos from the early days of photography, and we all know how far imaging technology has come over the years, but how did we go from long-exposure self-portraits to instant selfies? In this video we are taken on a historical journey with COOPH photographer Leo Rosas through the evolution of cameras and […]

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Creating Dream-like Composites with Photoshop

Every Sunday night, we take a family adventure.  Most of the photos that you see on my website are from different hikes or walks throughout the state of Utah.  We take a camera, we stay in our Sunday best and go out to document a few moments together.  We look at scenery, take advantage of […]