
How to create stunning double exposures in Photoshop in a few very easy steps

Editor’s Note : Digital storyteller and friend of DIYP, Ted Chin has been guest posting on the official Photoshop Instagram account. This particular post is a fantastic double exposure tutorial, which Ted and Adobe have allowed us to share with you here on DIYP.  A simple technique with very effective results. Hey guys! It’s Ted (@eye.c) here. Today I’m going […]

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Artist combines hundreds of photos to create dream-like Flying Houses

Photomontages belong to photography on the one hand, but on the other – this technique is art on its own. French artist Laurent Chéhère has created a series that’s a real example of this. His composites are created from photos, but with the reality of their own. Laurent’s series Flying Houses depicts the architectural objects […]

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Artist combines hundreds of photos to create dream-like Flying Houses

Photomontages belong to photography on the one hand, but on the other – this technique is art on its own. French artist Laurent Chéhère has created a series that’s a real example of this. His composites are created from photos, but with the reality of their own. Laurent’s series Flying Houses depicts the architectural objects […]

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5 tips for customizing your copy of Photoshop

We’ve presented you with plenty of editing tips, tricks and tutorials for Photoshop. But this tutorial is about editing Photoshop itself. Scott Kelby gives you 5 practical and quick tips how to customize your copy of this editing software so it suits your needs and preferences. From layout, to shortcuts and commands, you can change […]

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Target’s new swimsuit ad campaign goes “Photoshop-free” (or at least, liquify-free)

Photoshop has received a bit of a backlash over the last few years about its use in advertising.But, it’s not really Adobe’s fault. Photoshop is just a tool. It’s like blaming Ford because you took a wrong turn down a one way street. But, the criticism has made a lot of companies sit up and […]

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What does it take to create a stylized image?

One of the most important factors in a photographer/digital artists career is finding their own style. A signature look. It can take some photographers years to find theirs, but some find their voice straight away. I think I was lucky in that my style evolved quite quickly and quite organically. In this article, we will go […]

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Create the “Faded Film” look in 30 seconds using Photoshop or Lightroom

If you like the “faded film” look, this latest video tutorial from Mathieu Stern is for you. You can create this washed out, dreamy look in a few seconds, you only need a few simple adjustments in Photoshop. I tried it out on some of my images, too. I didn’t really expect to like it, […]

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Learn Photoshop tricks in only one minute with Adobe’s “Make it Now” series

If you’re looking for the most useful way to spend a spare minute, I think this might be it. Adobe’s “Make it Now” series will show you how to make all sorts of creations in Photoshop in only a minute, sometimes even less! In the video above, you can see less than a minute-long tutorial […]

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10 tips to make selections that cut out anything in Photoshop

Photoshop’s selection tools seem to evolve and change with every new update. Techniques and technology evolve to make selections a little easier than they were before. At least, that’s the theory, sometimes they just get more frustrating. But, there’s still no one technique that works for everything. This video from Nathaniel Dodson at Tutvid is a […]

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This is what it was like to work in Photoshop 1.0

The 1990s brought a real revolution in digital technology. Considering that this era brought us digital cameras, broader use of PCs and Internet, we can say that it was revolutionary for photographers, too. And this revolution wouldn’t be complete without the most famous editing tool – Photoshop. In this demo, one of the inventors of […]

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