A real softbox for LED lights (and how to extend an Osmo)

If you are using LED panels, there is a good chance you are using them bare, or with a diffusion panel.  If you need a bigger light source that the size of your panels, there are no pre-made solutions. If you are using a spot LED (like the 120T from aputure), you can use “regular” softboxes, […]

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First preview of RODE’s Newshooter’s kit (and other iMicrophones)

One of the things we were excited about in photokina was the RODE booth. Partly becasue we are big RODE fans (TBH, they payed part of our trip to the show), but mostly becasue they showed us some microphones that will incredibly ease our workflow for future shows and interviews. The first piece of kit […]

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Indestructible LED panels, Sub $500 vectorscope monitor and wireless variable ND filter

During photokina we payed a visit to the Aperture booth, had a chat with Ted Sim, and we totally fell in love with their new products. Actually, we have been using Aputure’s LEDs for quite a while now, so we were not surprised. What we were surprised with is the price points for the various […]

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Exclusive: IRIX bringing out a 45mm f/1.4 lens + first samples from the IRIX 11mm f/4

Back in early 2016 we interviewed IRIX about their new line of wide angle primes.  Now we are back with some exclusive news and first sample photos. The good news: IRIX are moving from just Ultrawides to primes. Their first lens which was just announced is the IRIX 45mm f/1.4. You can see that lens […]

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Fuji’s “Definitely more affordable” mirrorless medium format camera expected to be announced by September

Information about Fuji’s possible entry into the mirrorless medium format world is mostly just speculation, but it seems it’s becoming a matter of “when” rather than “if” Fuji will announce something. Fuji Rumors are reporting that a “trusted source” has told them it will be “definitely more affordable” than Hasselblad’s new X1D. There’s been talk about Fuji releasing a medium format […]

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